Course detail
Communication In Management
FP-krKAcad. year: 2011/2012
The course focuses on relevant psychological knowledge necessary for efficient corporate management and increasing the efficiency of the company. Mastering and development of social and managerial as well as entrepreneurial skills are emphasized, especially in the field of intradepartmental social communication. Also dealt with is the training with respect to searching and finding application alternatives affective in present and future practice.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
FRANKOVÁ, E. Manažerská psychologie I. Studijní text pro studium předmětu v kombinované formě studia. Brno: FP VUT v Brně, 2005.
PAUKNEROVÁ, D. a kol. Psychologie pro ekonomy a manažery. 2., přepracované a aktualizované vydání. Praha: Grada 2006. ISBN 80-247-1706-9.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Participation in seminars including relevant preparation and active participation in the communication skills training.
Course curriculum
2. Psychology of personality; influence of personality subsystems and characteristics on intrapersonal and interpersonal communication
3. Patterns of social perception and its consequences, possibilities of the application of these patterns for increasing efficiency of the social communication.
4. Social communication during social contact especially in the sphere of personnel management. Phases of communication process and characteristics of the communication participants. Basic communication skills, key factors supporting effectiveness of communication and their influence on the course and result of communication process.
5. Presentation of fundamental theoretical models and strategies of social communication, explanation of their application for the increased efficiency of social communication, especially by means of communication goals identification, communication problems analysis and choice of relevant communication strategies and techniques.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
FRANKOVÁ, E. Kreativita a inovace v organizaci. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada 2011. 256 s. ISBN 978-80-247-3317-3. (CS)
LUKÁŠOVÁ, R., NOVÝ, I. a kol. Organizační kultura. Od sdílených hodnot k vyšší výkonnosti podniku. Praha: Grada 2004. ISBN 80-247-0648-2. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme MGR-KS Master's
branch MGR-ŘEP-KS , 2 year of study, winter semester, elective