Course detail
Special Methodology of Forensic Engineering - Real Estate Evaluation
ÚSI-DSE05Acad. year: 2011/2012
Data for valuation, search of premises. Databases for real estates valuation.
Methods of valuation: method of costs, method of estate incomes, comparing method, lot valuation, setting of the current price in the real estates valuation.
Valuation of the real estates in accordance with present regulation for valuation, valuation for credit proceeding, for accounting, for insurance companies, for inheritance procedure, for purposes of taxes, valuation at family settlement, for auction, valuation for purposes of Commercial Code and valuation in special cases. Assessment of financial damage at the real estate damage and valuation of the performed building operations.
Valuation of the rights of user. Estimation of the costs, economic and market rent. Flats valuation.
Specificity of the expert evidence about real estates valuation in the various kinds of proceeding, valuation of the real estates in foreign countries. Czech and international standards for real estates valuation.
Language of instruction
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
2. Data for valuation, search of premises. Databases for real estates valuation, their creation and running. Calculations, their accuracy and influence on the evidence conclusions. Application of the software and responsibility for the usage.
3. Method of the cost valuation.
4. Method of the estate incomes valuation.
5. Comparing method of the valuation.
6. Lots valuation.
7. Setting of the current price of the real estate.
8. Valuation of real estates in accordance with the present regulation.
9. Valuation for credit proceeding, for accounting, insurance companies, inheritance procedure, for purposes of inheritance tax, gift tax and conveyance of real estate tax, valuation at family settlement, execution of verdict at the sale of real estate, for auction, valuation for purposes of Commercial Code, valuation of real estates at restitutions and rehabilitation out of the court, valuation of the company.
10. Assessment of financial damage at the real estate damage and valuation of the performed building operations. Defects in invoicing of the building operations supplies, examination of betterment from performed building operations, valuation of real estate with the work in progress.
11. Valuation of the rights of user and real estates under right of user.
12. Examination whether the building is original or new. Estimation of the costs, economic and market rent. Flats valuation.
13.Specificity of the expert evidence about real estates valuation in the various kinds of proceeding, valuation of the real estates in foreign countries. Czech and international standards for real estates valuation.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading