Course detail
Engineering Mechanics
FSI-DTM-KAcad. year: 2011/2012
The course “Technical mechanics” provides the students with knowledge of basic axioms, laws and principles of theoretical and applied mechanics of moving bodies.
The course “Technical mechanics II” is subdivided into two branches: kinematics and kinetics. Determination of the kinematic quantities is necessary for further dynamic solving. Kinematics is aimed at proper formulation of motion, i.e. the students have to be able to determine how to set the position of a point, rigid body, or a system of rigid bodies, in any instant of time. Kinematics of a particle, planar kinematics and a three-dimensional rigid body motion are discussed in the introduction to the course. The graphical and numerical methods of the solution of planar mechanism motion are treated. Step by step the students are led through the following areas of dynamics: basic axioms, general dynamics of a particle, dynamics of a system of particles, dynamics of rigid bodies, moments and products of inertia of rigid bodies and dynamics of a system of rigid bodies. the fundamentals of analytical dynamics, linear vibration of systems. The sequence of presentations is following: work and energy, impulse and momentum and the equations of motion for mechanisms. The methods of vector mechanics as well as the methods of analytical mechanics are considered Finally, description and the fundamental characteristics of linear vibration are treated.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Final examination: Written part of the examination plays a decisive role, where the maximum of 70 ECTS points can be reached. Solution of several computational problems is demanded. The problems come from typical profile areas of given subject and can be supplied by a theoretical question, proof, etc. The lecturer will specify exact demands like the number and types problems during the semester preceding the examination.
Final evaluation of the course is obtained as the sum of ECTS points gained in seminars and at the examination. To pass the course, at least 51 points must be reached.
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Hibbeler R.C.: Engineering Mechanics-Statics and Dynamics, , 0
Juliš K.,Brepta R. a kol.: Mechanika II.díl-Dynamika, , 0
Recommended reading
Kolektiv: Úlohy z kinematiky, , 0
Přikryl K.: kinematika, , 0
Slavík J.,Kratochvíl C.: Mechanika těles-Dynamika, , 0
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Guided consultation
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Kinematics of a particle-rectilinear and curvilinear motion. Harmonic motion
2. Kinematics of a body-translational and rotational motion
3. Planar kinematics of a rigid body-graphical analysis.
4. Planar kinematics of a rigid body-numerical analysis
5. Relative motion analysis
6. Kinematics of a rigid body-three-dimensional motion
7. Kinematics of mechanisms
8. Dynamics of particle. Dynamics of a system of particles
9. Planar kinetics of a rigid body. Moment of inertia
10. Three-dimensional kinetics of a rigid body. Balancing of rotors. Gyroscopic motion
11. Planar kinetics of mechanisms. Determination of equations of motion - method of free body diagram
12. Kinetics of a system connected bodies- methods of analytical mechanics. Lagrange equations II
13. Vibrations – single-degree-of - freedom systems