Course detail

Technical Installations in Buildings II

FA-TZ2Acad. year: 2012/2013

The subject "Technical installations in buildings" II (TIB) resumes the material of the first part TIB I. Technical installations in buildings contribute to qualitative improvement of the building industry, to better hygienic conditions and higher indoor comfort. The second part of TIB covers heating and air-conditioning of residential public, industrial and agricultural buildings. A small part of classes is devoted to Technical infrastructure of settlements. The objective is to impart to the students the basic knowledge of the disciplines of heating and air-conditioning, which an architect needs to know to be able to work out design documents of all grades, in particular with regard to his co-operation with specialists.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After passing the subject, the student will have a synoptic idea of heating and air-condition facilities in buildings, and will be able to make use of the gained knowledge in architectural design of interiors of buildings. In the discipline of Technical infrastructure, the student will acquire basic knowledge of spatial arrangement of utility networks in urbanised areas.


The student is expected to have basic knowledge of building construction, heat engineering and structural physics (and be able to preform computations needed for designing heating and air condition facilities. Thereto, the student has to orientate himself also in the typology of residential and public buildings.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching methods depend on the type of course unit as specified in the article 7 of BUT Rules for Studies and Examinations.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Being granted credit is conditioned by correction in two prescribed terms (in the course of semestral teaching), by at least 70 % attendance at tutorials, submission of design in the required term, extent and quality.
The student can pass the examination after being granted credit. The examination consists of two parts - a theoretical part and a practicle part. In the classification, 60 %is alotted to the theoretical part, 15% to the practical part and 25 % to seminar assignemt and work at turorials.

Course curriculum

Lecture - heating buildings, story heating, option heating arrangement - sources warm, local heating, central beating - heating system and their fission - warm - water heating system, heating surface, body - steam and hydrothermal heating, termohydraulic and seat power control heating - large-screen display heating (flooring, wall insulator, ceiling) - house station warm. Preparation warm waters. - kettle - drums, boiler - room, venting - instrumentation and control warm in objects - system air conditioning, her meaning, fission. Manners ventilation - machine - room air conditioning, conduit and end elements. Application air conditioning in living, public and industrial buildings - technical infrastructure cities, development, meaning, fission - site layout lead engineering rush .

Work placements

Not applicable.


The aim is to gain knowledge of the individual kinds of utilities in buildings, in partcular heating, ventilation and basics of air-conditioning, that can be used in a creative way in design activities and architectural practice. With view to limited time, the students are acquainted in two lectures with the space relationshis of technical infrastructure in urbanised areas.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Tutorials are continuously monitored, the progress of the semestral work is corrected twice a semester, in the scheduled weeks of teaching. Missed lessons will be made up for in form of an individually assigned substitutive program.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Papež: TZB - Vytápění (CS)
Pokorný, Bystřický: TZB B - Vytápění (CS)
Chyský, Hemzal: Větrání a klimatizace (CS)

Recommended reading

Cihelka akol.: Vytápění, větrání, vzduchotechnika (CS)
Jelínek: TZB Vytápění - přednášky (CS)
Pokorný, Bystřický: TZB B - Vytápění (CS)
Cihlář: TZB - Vzduchotechnika (CS)
firemní literatura Korádo, Gea a další (CS)
Příslušné normy a předpisy, WWW stránky (CS)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme ARCHURB Bachelor's

    branch ARCH , 3 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer



- Vytápění budov, historie vytápění, volba vytápěcích zařízení
- Zdroje tepla, lokální vytápění, ústřední vytápění
- Otopné soustavy a jejich rozdělení
- Teplovodní otopné soustavy, otopné plochy, tělesa
- Parní a horkovodní vytápění, termohydraulické a elektrické vytápění
- Velkoplošné vytápění (podlahové, stěnové, stropní)
- Předávací stanice tepla. Příprava teplé vody.
- Kotle, kotelny, odvod spalin
- Měření a regulace tepla v objektech
- Soustavy vzduchotechniky, její význam, rozdělení. Způsoby větrání
- Strojovny vzduchotechniky, potrubí a koncové prvky. Aplikace vzduchotechniky v obytných, veřejných a průmyslových budovách
- Technická infrastruktura měst, vývoj, význam, rozdělení
- Prostorové uspořádání vedení inženýrských sítí


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer