Course detail

Economy and Business Enterprise

FP-TepPAcad. year: 2012/2013

The course focuses particularly on the following
• Economics as social science
• Basic economic concepts
• The market and its laws
• The national economy, its entities and economic policy
• Business Administration (property company capital structure, long-term and current assets)
• Economic Information System
• Financing Company
• Insurance
. Principles of Marketing and Management

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students will learn basic economic concepts to understand the principles of the market and its functioning will receive basic orientation on issues of national economy, understand the principles of national economic policy, its functions and tools to understand business economics and master the basic concepts (property and its types, capital, and its structure) will receive a basic orientation in the economic information system (understanding the importance and role of accounting), acquaintance with the possibilities of financing business activities, understand the role of insurance - all in context, and examples of business in the area of ​​physical education activities.


Basic knowledge in the area of "Basic Social Science" on the secondary schools level


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching methods depend on the type of course unit as specified in the article 7 of BUT Rules for Studies and Examinations.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Conditions for granting credit:
At least one individual oral presentation with a power-point support for selected sub-topic with applications in the field of physical culture / business activities in the field of physical culture.
Presentations are evaluated individually - maximum 10 points / A - for a presentation.
Students can have a maximum of three presentations.

Requirements for testing:
knowledge of the course and its applications
Form of examination:
- Oral - examination of theoretical knowledge

Final classification NUMBER OF POINTS

The final evaluation of exercise 30
Oral examination of the knowledge acquired 70
GRADE score (in%)
A 120-91
B 90-81
C 80-71
D 70-61
E 60 -50
F 49 and less

Course curriculum

. Economics as social science (the subject of economics, the relation of economics to other sciences)
• Basic economic concepts (production, production factors, production possibility frontier, distribution and redistribution, exchange, consumption
• The market and its laws (goods, money, laws of the market, competition, competition, market failure)
• National economy and its actors (national economy, trade, trade code, linking entrepreneurs with the creation of a legal person, linking entrepreneurs with no foundation of a legal person, state enterprises, state institutions)
• Economic Policy (functions of the state and its instruments, taxation)
• Business Administration (ownership and capital structure of the company)
• Long-term (investment) assets and technological development (breakdown of fixed assets, . methods of acquisition, valuation of DM, DM depreciation, registration of DM, DM reproduction, technical development)
• Supply and Logistics (current assets and its division, OM cycle, supply, inventory and plan inventory management, the legal side of business relationships, logistics, records and documents)
• Economic Information System (financial accounting and internal accounting, cost structure and its management), inventory and inventory)
. basics of marketing and management

Work placements

Not applicable.


terms of sports activities and sports events
- To understand the subject and the importance of economics
- Learn basic economic concepts
- Understand the principles of the market and its functioning
- Acquire basic knowledge of the issues of national economy
- Understand the principles of economic policy of the state, its functions and tools
- To understand business economics and master the basic concepts (types of assets, capital, and its structure)
- Acquire basic orientation in the economic information system (understand the importance and role of accounting
- Familiar with the issues of finance companies
- Understand the importance and role of insurance

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Monitoring of students' individual work on the assigned tasks.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Zákon č.513/1991 Sb., Obchodní zákoník ve znění pozdějších předpisů (CS)
Zákon č.563/1991 Sb., o účetnictví ve znění pozdějších předpisů (CS)
HINDLS? R.,HOLMAN,R.,HRONOVÁ, S. a kol. Ekonomický slovník.1.vyd.Praha:C.H.BECK, 2003.519 s. ISBN 80-7179-819-3 (CS)
PELC,V. Encyklopedický slovník podnikatele. 1.vyd.Praha:Grada Publishing,1995. 332 s. ISBN 80-7169-209-3 (CS)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BAK Bachelor's

    branch BAK-MTK , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1 Úvod do předmětu - základní pojmy
2. Základní pojmy (podnik - cíle funkce, znaky, typoloogie/druhy)
3. Podnikání a jeho typy/právní uskupení, vVýrobní faktory podnikání,
4. Trh a jeho zákony (nabídka, poptávka, cena, konkurence)
5. Národní hospodářství, jeho subjekty a hospodářská politika jako vliv státu na podnikání
6. Daňová soustava (přímé a nepořímé daně)
7.,8. Podniková ekonomika ( dlouhodobý a oběžný majetek, vlastní a cizí zdroje, náklady a výnosy, zisk a ztráta)
9.,10 Ekonomický informační systém - základy účetnictví (Rozvaha, Výkaz zisku a ztráty, cash-flow, příjmy a výdaje), daňová evidence
11. Financování firmy,pojišťovnictví
12. Základy marketingu
13. Základy managementu


13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Klasifikace podniků na příkladech z oblasti tělesné kultury
2. Příklady podnikání dle právního uskupení na příkladech podniků z oblasti tělesné kultury a sportovních akcí,
3. Příklady výrobních faktorů podnikání z oblasti tělesné kultury a sportovních akcí,
4. Přímé a nepořímé daně na příkladech podnikatelských aktivit z oblasti tělesné kultury a sportovních akcí
5. Příklady dlouhodobého a oběžný majetek, vlastních a cizích zdrojů, nákladů a výnosů na příkladech podnikatelských aktivit z oblasti tělesné kultury a sportovních akcí
6. Zdroje finacování podnikatelských aktivit z oblasti tělesné kultury a sportovních akcí
, pojišťovnictví pro potřeby podnikatelských aktivit z oblasti tělesné kultury a sportovních akcí

7. Sestavování marketingového mixu pro vybranou sportovní akci a podnikatelskou aktivitu oblasti tělesné kultury