Course detail

Computer Aided Building Physics (S-PST)

FAST-CH03Acad. year: 2014/2015

Real recovery software for Building Physics in the design and construction assessment in accordance with applicable legislation.
In particular, the assessment of structures in terms of thermal and acoustic techniques
Verification of thermal comfort, sound and light microclimate of buildings.
The calculation and design is to optimize the structural design of the building envelope and the doors and windows, including the resolution of structural details.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Building Structures (PST)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Student after completion of lectures in-class exercises can theoretically apply lessons learned in previous lessons from the field of thermal engineering, acoustics and daylighting. Using computer technology will solve a given problem, analyze the results and carry out the evaluation. The knowledge gained in this course can be used in further studies in the diploma thesis, or in practice when assessing structures and internal environment in terms of thermal engineering,'s lighting and sound. It is able to optimize the energy performance of the building and optimization of thermal, acoustic and visual comfort indoors.


Theoretical knowledge from the area of thermal physics and daylighting of building including computational procedures. Knowledge of material properties and designs of structure details. Basic knowledge of valid legislation.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures consist of an explanation of basic principles, methodology of the discipline problems and their solutions.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

The conditions for granting credit: participation, preparation and submission of required reports
To pass the examination in the written test to achieve leas a majority of points.

Course curriculum

1st Functional requirements for thermal protection of buildings, energy legislation
2en Practical use of software for building heat engineering solution of one-dimensional temperature field for the unsteady state
3rd to 4th Modelling and assessment of selected detail using a two-dimensional temperature field.
5th to 6th Thermal stability of a room - a critical assessment of the room in terms of maximal increase of temperature and a maximum temperature of a room in summer
7th Functional requirements of the day and insolation of buildings
8th Rating daylight factor
9th Structural and energetic properties of the building, the heat transfer through the building envelope
10th Energy performance of buildings
11th Functional requirements for acoustics
12th Rating insulation separating structures
13th Verifying the suitability of design of structures including doors and windows in terms of building physics (overall concept of the building and individual design - optimization requirements in terms of thermal physics, acoustics, daylighting and insolation of buildings)

Work placements

Not applicable.


Students will gain skills that permit a deeper understanding of multimedia issues in terms of construction design, thermal fault elimination and ensuring low energy consumption of buildings. A part of the course will be an optimisation of void infill elements from a point of view of thermal comfort of a room, interior daylighting and insolation.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Halahyja,M. a kol.: Stavební tepelná technika, akustika a osvětlení. ALFA, SNTL, 1985. (CS)
Lukašík a kol.: Akustika a denní osvětlení v pozemním stavitelství. ES VUT, 1989. (CS)
Weiglová: Denní osvětlení. ČVUT Praha, 1997. (CS)
Kulhánek, Tywoniak: Stavební fyzika 20, Stavební tepelná technika. ČVUT praha, 1997. (CS)
Čechura,j.: Akustika stavebních konstrukcí. ČVUT, 1999. (CS)
Zákon č.406/2000 Sb. o hospodaření energií a jeho prováděcí vyhlášky. 2000. (CS)
Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a rady 2002/91/ES. O energetické náročnosti budov (EPBD). 2002. (CS)
ČSN 73 0540-1 až 4 – Tepelná ochrana budov. 2005. (CS)

Recommended reading

Vaverka, Chybík, Sedlák: Energetické hodnocení budov a tepelná pohoda vnitřního prostředí. VUZ Brno, 1992. (CS)
Maekawa,Lord: Environmental and Architectural Actoustics. EaFN, 1992. (EN)
Vaverka a kol.: Urbanistická stavební a prostorová akustika. VUT Brno, 1998. (CS)
Bahula,J., Kalousek,M.: Tepelná technika budov-Návody pro cvičení. CERM Brno, 1999. (CS)
Donaťáková,D., Berka,P.: Akustika - Návody pro cvičení. CERM Brno, 2001. (CS)
Čuprová,Mohelníková,Čupr: Denní osvětlení budov-Návody pro cvičení. CERM Brno, 2002. (CS)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme N-K-C-SI Master's

    branch S , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

  • Programme N-P-C-SI Master's

    branch S , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

  • Programme N-P-E-SI Master's

    branch S , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1st Functional requirements for thermal protection of buildings, energy legislation
2en Practical use of software for building heat engineering solution of one-dimensional temperature field for the unsteady state
3rd to 4th Modelling and assessment of selected detail using a two-dimensional temperature field.
5th to 6th Thermal stability of a room - a critical assessment of the room in terms of maximal increase of temperature and a maximum temperature of a room in summer
7th Functional requirements of the day and insolation of buildings
8th Rating daylight factor
9th Structural and energetic properties of the building, the heat transfer through the building envelope
10th Energy performance of buildings
11th Functional requirements for acoustics
12th Rating insulation separating structures
13th Verifying the suitability of design of structures including doors and windows in terms of building physics (overall concept of the building and individual design - optimization requirements in terms of thermal physics, acoustics, daylighting and insolation of buildings)


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1.Programs, legislation, award - undergraduate project, conditions for credits, new requirements in CSN 0540-2:2011 73 / Z1: 2012.
2.Detailed introduction to the program Heat 2011. Heat transfer coefficient, together with a thermal bridge, balance condensation and evaporation of water vapor with consideration of the actual effectiveness of the vapor layer, drop touch the floor temperature.
3., 4.Solution selected details (min. 2 details) using a two-dimensional temperature field - program AREA 2011.
5., 6.Program 2011 Stability and Simulation 2011. Assessment of the critical rooms in winter and summer.
7., 8. Assessment of daylight factor using WDLS (required continuity of the Stability and Simulation). Optimizing the window size so as to meet the requirements in terms of thermal stability and daylight factor.
9. The transmission of heat through the building envelope according to CSN 73 0540-2:2011, the average heat transfer coefficient, the label of the building envelope (loss programs 2011).
10., 11. Evaluation of energy performance according to the current legislation - an amendment to Act No. 406/2000 Coll. Energy Management Act (Act No. 318/2012 Coll.) and amendment of Decree No. 148/2007 Coll. - Energy Program
12.Assessment of internal partition structures in terms of airborne and impact sound insulation in the "Attenuation".
13. Credits