Course detail
Technical Diagnostics I
FSI-XT1Acad. year: 2015/2016
The subject is focused on the advanced knowledge from technical diagnostics. The course continues the subject called Principles of technical diagnostics (CTD) in the bachelor’s study. The emphasis is put on the problems of theoretical knowledge in technical diagnostics, for example, embodiment of technical diagnostics into the product quality, clarification and description of diagnostic systems, furthermore analysis of diagnostic models, diagnostic signals and classification of technical diagnostics. Consecutively, attention is focused on individual diagnostic methods, for example, thermodiagnostics, level height diagnostics and flow diagnostics. Emphasis is always laid on the application of individual diagnostics to assess the conditions of technical objects. The lectures are completed with tutorials in which the most important themes are practised in detail. Results and conclusions in seminars are discussed. Technical diagnostics I will be followed by Technical diagnostics II which describes and analyzes the other diagnostic methods that are suitable for assessment of technical object conditions.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
KREIDL,M; ŠMÍD,R. Technická diagnostika. Senzory-metody-analýza signálu. 1. vydání. Praha: BEN-technická literatura, 2006,408 s. ISBN 80-7300-158-6. (CS)
Recommended reading
HAMMER,Miloš. Metody umělé inteligence v diagnostice elektrických strojů. 1. vydání. Praha: BEN – technická literatura, 2009. 400 s. ISBN 978-80-7300-231-2. (CS)
THOMPSON, M.; VAN DEN BRUEL. Diagnostic Tests Toolkit (EBMT-EBM Toolkit Series). Wiley-Blackwell. 2011. 112 s. ISBN 978-0470657584. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Most important terms in technical diagnostics
3. Diagnostic system and its description
4. Diagnostic model, description, and analysis
5. Diagnostic signal and its properties
6. Technical diagnostics, classification, methods and tools
7. Thermodiagnostics – introduction
8. Thermodiagnostics – assessment of object temperature conditions
9. Level height diagnostics – mechanical level gauges
10. Level height diagnostics – hydrostatic, electrical and physical level gauges, object conditions according to level height
11. Flow diagnostics – introduction, volumetric flowmeters
12. Flow diagnostics – velocity flowmeters
13. Flow diagnostics – mass flowmeters, object conditions according to flow