Course detail

Metal structures

ÚSI-2BCKKAcad. year: 2015/2016

The course is focused on technical aspects of risks of metal structures while respecting the basic principles and hardware reliability. It concentrates on the modelling of metal structures (particularly verification and increase of the aptness of models or determination of the probability of failure). Further attention is paid to the design and operation of metal structures in terms of occurring potential technical risks, and their preventive treatment and control (maintenance and prevention of failures).

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students will obtain specialized and professional knowledge and skills necessary to design and subsequent operation of metal structures, including possible technical risks, and preventive treatment and control.


Not requested.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching is carried out through lectures and seminars. Lectures consist of interpretations of basic principles, methodology of given discipline, problems and their exemplary solutions. Seminars particularly support practical mastery of subject matter presented in lectures or assigned for individual study with the active participation of students.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Condition for granting credit is a semestral work - elaboration of a seminar work. The test will consist of a written part – answer the questions. Granting of credit is the condition of oral exam.

Course curriculum

1. Introduction and definition of the subject "Metal Structures", the concept of risk in relation to metal structures.
2. Technical aspects of risk problems of metal structures and their evaluation. Normative documents related to the risk of metal structures.
3. Mathematical and expert methods.
4. Calculating the probability of failure of metal structures, the reliability of metal structures and the degree of risk in the Czech and European documents for the design of metal structures.
5. Decisions on risk, the risk of metal structures in numerical expression.
6. People and actions averse and reverse to the risk of faults of metal structures. Danger and risk.
7. Analysis of danger. Identification, qualification, quantification.
8. Examples for different types of dimensioning problems in the field of metal constructions. - the ultimate capacity and serviceability.
9. Reliability of structures and systems; making models for simple structures.
10. Examples of defects and failures for different types of structures - simple truss structures.
11. Examples of defects and failures for different types of structures - multi-storey buildings, large span roofing, engineering structures.
12. Reinforcing metal structures, reconstruction and rebuilding.
13. Defects and failures of joints of metal structures, optimization of the design

Work placements

Not applicable.


Study aim is to gain knowledge and skills required to design metal structures while applying basic principles and rules of hardware reliability; the use of limit state methods and probabilistic approaches to design of steel structures.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Not applicable.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

SALMON, C.G., JOHNSON, J.E.: Steel Structures: Design and Behavior, Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1997
BALIO, G., MAZZOLANI, F.M.: Design of Steel Structures, E&FN Spon, 1999
HAIMES, Y. Y.: Risk modeling, assessment and management. John Wiley and sons, 2004, ISBN 0-471-48048
TICHÝ, M.: Ovládání rizika. Ch. Beck, Praha 2006, ISBN 80-7179-415-5
internetové studijní opory FAST VUT v Brně pro předměty BO02, BO04, CO01, CO02

Recommended reading

FERJENČÍK, P., SCHUN, J., MELCHER, J. A KOL.: Navrhovanie ocelových konštrukcií, 1. časť, 2. časť, ALFA Bratislava - SNTL Praha, 1986
SCI-The Steel Construction Institute, Ascot, U.K.: ESDEP-European Steel Design Education Programme, CD ROM, ESDEP Society, 2000
TIJMS, H. C.: A first course in Stochastic Models. John Wiley and sons, 2003, ISBN 0-471-49881-5

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme MRzI Master's

    branch RSK , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Úvod a vymezení předmětu „Kovové konstrukce“, pojem rizika ve vztahu ke kovovým konstrukcím.
2. Technické stránky problémů rizik kovových konstrukcí, jejich hodnocení. Normativní dokumenty související s rizikem kovových konstrukcí.
3. Matematické a expertní metody.
4. Výpočet pravděpodobnosti vzniku poruchy kovové konstrukce. Spolehlivosti kovových konstrukcí a míra rizika v českých a evropských dokumentech pro navrhování kovových konstrukcí.
5. Rozhodování o riziku, numerické vyjádření rizika kovových konstrukcí.
6. Osoby a děje averzní a reverzní k riziku kovových konstrukcí. Nebezpečí a riziko.
7. Analýza nebezpečí. Identifikace, kvalifikace, kvantifikace.
8. Příklady pro jednotlivé typy dimenzačních úloh z oblasti kov. konstrukcí–mezní stav únosnosti a použitelnosti.
9. Spolehlivost konstrukcí a systémů, tvorba modelů pro jednoduché konstrukce.
10. Příklady vad a poruch pro jednotlivé typy konstrukcí – jednoduché prutové konstrukce.
11. Příklady vad a poruch pro jednotlivé typy konstrukcí - vícepodlažní objekty, zastřešení velkých rozpětí, inženýrské konstrukce.
12. Problematika zesilování kovových konstrukcí, rekonstrukce a přestavby.
13. Vady a poruchy spojů kovových konstrukcí, optimalizace návrhu konstrukce


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


viz přednášky