Course detail

Foundation Engineering

ÚSI-2BDZSAcad. year: 2015/2016

The course is aimed at establishing an overview of modern methods of building construction and carving out of a construction pit. It deals with technical aspects of the creation of structures, and a brief assessment of their risk analysis. It discussed the probability of failure of geotechnical structures. The subject develops students' knowledge of modeling of the underlying structures and foundation pits. There are given the technical risks associated with the implementation and functions of geotechnical structures - reliability, geotechnical causes of structural failures, landslides and their rehabilitation and the establishment of the landslide area, rock avalanches and ensure rock walls.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students will gain special and technical skills and knowledge in the design of shallow and deep foundations for different geotechnical categories, and for safe and economic design of the building pit and get acquainted with modern methods of foundation engineering.


Types of foundation soils, properties of soils, limit states theory, basic principles of structural mechanics, strength, elasticity, and structure design.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching is carried out through lectures and seminars. Lectures consist of interpretations of basic principles, methodology of given discipline, problems and their exemplary solutions. Seminars particularly support practical mastery of subject matter presented in lectures or assigned for individual study with the active participation of students.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

A condition for granting credit is elaboration of given programs. The exam will consist of a written test.

Course curriculum

1. Introduction and content of the course, as an expression of geotechnical risk category and limit states of the underlying soil.
2. Shallow foundations (foot strip and plate), design and assessment - their reliability and technical risk.
3. Deep foundations (caissons, wells, piles), distribution of piles (displacement, replacement), drilled piles, CFA, pre-drived, vibe-pressured and micro piles. Technology of carrying out and utilization - their reliability and risk.
4. Design and assessment of axially loaded piles, load limit curve.
5. Diaphragm walls and blades diaphragm walls, technology, utilization.
6. Anchors and anchoring, design and implementation. Utilization.
7. Jet grouting, design and technology, utilization.
8. Earth (horizontal) pressure on the building structure. Types of support structures.
9. Foundation of pits -their timbering, rider bracing, pile and diaphragm walls - reliability and risk.
10. Improvement of soil, drainage of soil, and remediation underpinning foundations.
11. Geotechnical causes of failures of structures, analysis of problems associated with risks of foundation structures.
12. Landslides, setting up in the landslide area, landslide remediation.
13. Rock avalanches, protection and maintenance of rock slopes.

Work placements

Not applicable.


Study aim of the subject is to gain knowledge and skills in the design of shallow and deep foundations for different geotechnical categories and design of safe and economical construction pit with modern methods of foundation engineering.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Not applicable.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

MASOPUST, J.: Speciální zakládání staveb 1. a 2. díl. Akad. nakl. CERM, Brno, 2004 a 2006
TURČEK, P. a kolektiv: Zakládání staveb. JAGA, Bratislava, 2005
SMOLTCZYK, U. a kol.: Grundbau - Taschenbuch 1. a 2. díl (5. vydání). Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, 1996
BOWLES, J.E.: Foundation Analysis and Design. McGraw-Hill, 1996
HENRY, F.D.C.: The Design and Construction of Engineering Foundations. Chypman and Hall, 1986

Recommended reading

TICHÝ, M.: Ovládání rizika. Ch. Beck, Praha 2006
ROZSYPAL, A.: Kontrolní sledování a rizika v geotechnice. JAGA, Bratislava, 2001
MASOPUST, J.: Vrtané piloty. Čeněk a Ježek, Praha, 1994
VERFEL, J.: Injektování hornin a výstavba podzemních stěn. Bradlo, Bratislava, 1992

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme MRzI Master's

    branch RSK , 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Úvod a obsah předmětu, geotechnické kategorie jako vyjádření rizik a mezní stavy základové půdy.
2. Plošné základy (patky pasy a desky), návrh a posouzení. Jejich spolehlivost a technická rizika.
3. Hlubinné základy (kesony , studny, piloty). Rozdělení pilot (displacement, replacement). Piloty vrtané, CFA, předrážené, vibrotlakované, mikropiloty. Technologie provádění, využití. Jejich spolehlivost a rizika.
4. Návrh a posouzení osově zatížených pilot, mezní zatěžovací křivka.
5. Podzemní stěny a lamely podzemních stěn, technologie provádění, využití.
6. Kotvy a kotvení, návrh a provádění. Využití.
7. Trysková injektáž, návrh a technologie provádění, využití.
8. Zemní (vodorovné) tlaky na stavební konstrukce. Typy opěrných konstrukcí.
9. Stavební jámy. Jejich roubení. Záporové pažení, pilotové a podzemní stěny. Spolehlivost a rizika
10. Zlepšování základové půdy, odvodňování základové půdy, podchycování a sanace základů.
11. Geotechnické příčiny poruch stavebních konstrukcí, analýza problémů spojených s riziky u základových konstrukcí
12. Sesuvy, zakládání v sesuvném území, sanace sesuvů.
13. Skalní řícení, ochrana a sanace skalních svahů.


13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


viz přednášky