Course detail

A Survey of Czech Art of the 1st Half of the 20th Century

FaVU-1CU20-ZAcad. year: 2016/2017

Overview of art styles, personalities and tendencies in painting and sculpture in the Czech lands in the 20th century. The attention is paid to the phenomena which incorporate or follow expressionism, cubism, surrealism, abstraction, as well as to the transformations in the landscape painting and to period decorativeness or retrograde tendencies.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Basic phenomenons and personalities of the Czech XXth Century Art.


Basic knowledge of the history of the Czech lands and their culture.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching methods depend on the type of course unit as specified in the article 7 of BUT Rules for Studies and Examinations..

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes


Course curriculum

1. The "generation between"> Jindřich Prucha. Miloš Jiránek.Karel Myslbek. The influence of McNeill Whistler on Czech painting.
2, The "Osma group" in context. Munchian painting in Czech art. Neoclasicism. German members of the group.
3. The Fine Artists Group. The Cubism Dispute. The Art Monthly. The Comparison of exhibition activities of the Manes and Group 4 activities. Second Wave Symbolism. the SURSUM group, other personalities.
5. The sculptors Jan Štursa and Otto Gutfreund. The question of monumental art in Czech sculpture of the early20th century.
6. The "Obstinates" group. Futurism, bergsonism. The Almanach of 1914. S.K.Neumann, Josef Čapek. Václav Špála. Rudolf Kremlička. Jan Zrzavý. Vlastislav Hofman. Otakar Marvánek.
7. The "Butterbur" group (Devětsil) and poetism. The birth of the society, manifests, changes of opinion, Karel Teige. Adolf Hoffmeister, František Muzika. Exhibitions, pictorial poems. Artificialism and Jindřich Štyrský - Toyen.
8. The Arts Society and their Life and Myth magazine. Jareš, Boháček, Rabas. Vlastimil Rada. Vojtěch Sedláček
9. The Social group. Karel Holan. Miloslav Holý. Pravoslav Kotík. The Arts Society and their support of younger art generations (The Butterbur and 42 Groups)
10. Neoclassicism. The Exhibition of Decorative Arts in Paris, 1925. The reflection of Andre Lhote and Tamara Lempicka's art in Czech art. Neocubism, eroticism; Neue Sachlichkeit in the Czech context. The followers of Zrzavy. Otto Gutfreund. Alfred Justitz. Jaroslav Král.
11. Jan bauch and parallels of his art and Oscar Kokoschka's. František Tichý (French context), Josef Lada, Zdenek Rykr and the Kolin circle.
12. The interim period of 1930 - 1934. Erotic revue. The Poetry 1932 exhibition. The Surrealist group, personal and political relationships. Karel Teige. Vítězslav Nezval. Jindřich Štyrský. Toyen. Josef Šíma. František Janoušek.
13. Abstrac art of the 1930s. František Kupka. František Foltýn. Les Artistes Musicalistes and Arne Hošek. Augustin Ságner. Miloš Boria. The generation of Symbolists in 1930s. Vojtěch Preissig. František Drtikol. The Line group.
14. The Moravian Visual Artists Society between the wars. Albín Polášek, a Moravian sculptor in the USA. Jakub Obrovský.
15. Academic painting betwen the wars. Vratislav Nechleba, František Hlavica, Oskar Brázda, František Hlavica
16. Christian art - art at the margins. Josef Florian and his circle. Bohuslav Reynek.
17. Landscape painting. Otakar Nejedly, his trips to India and Ceylon. Art deco.
18. Interwar scupltupre between the official commissions and avantgarde.

Work placements

Not applicable.


Ability to orientate in basic phenomenons and personalities of fine arts in the Czech lands and in Europe.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Lestures are optional.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Dějiny českého výtvarného umění IV (1890 - 1938), Academia 1998
Petr Wittlich, České sochařství ve 20.století : 1890-1945, Praha 1978
Nová encylopedie českého výtvarného umění, Praha 1995
Jan M.Tomeš - Jindřich Prucha, Praha, Odeon 1987
Pavla Pečínková - Josef Lada (1887-1957), Obecní dům 2008
Rea Michalová - Klasicismus v moderním umění, Michal´s Collection, 2007 (1. vydání)
Vojtěch Lahoda, Karel Srp, Petr Wittlich, Marie Rakušanová -
Richard Adam, Lenka Lindaurová, Jana Ševčíková, Jiří Ševčík, Jiří Ptáček, Česká malba 1985 - 2005, Sbírka Richarda Adama, The Wannieck Gallery Editions, 2006

Recommended reading

Expresionismus a české umění 1905-1927 (ed. Alena Pomajzlová), NG 1995
Sursum 1910 - 1912 (ed. Hana Larvová), GHMP 1996
Miroslav Lamač - Osma a Skupina výtvarných umělců, 1988
Jiří Padrta, Osma a Skupina výtvarných umělců 1907-1917. Teorie, kritika, polemika, 1992
Český kubismus 1909-1925 (ed. Jiří Švestka, Tomáš Vlček, Pavel Liška), Stuttgart 1991
Vojtěch Lahoda, Český kubismus, 1997.
Karel Srp, Tvrdošíjní I. - Tvrdošíjní a hosté, GHMP 1986 - 1987
František Šmejkal, Lyrický a imaginativní kubismus 1926-1935, DUMB 1983
František Šmejkal, Devětsil. Česká výtvarná avantgarda 20. let , DUMB - GHMP 1986
František Šmejkal, České imaginativní umění, Rudolfinum 1996
Český surrealismus 1929-1953 (ed. Lenka Bydžovská, Karel Srp), GHMP - Argo 1996
Umění pro všechny smysly. Meziválečná avantgarda v Československu (ed. Jaroslav Anděl), NG 1993
Hana Rousová, Český neoklasicismus 20. let I-II, GHMP 1985, 1989
Linie, barva, tvar v českém výtvarném umění 30. let (ed. Hana Rousová), GHMP 1988
Marie Rakušanová - Bytosti odnikud, Academia 2008 (akademické umění 1. pol.20. století)
Lenka Byžovská, Vojtěch Lahoda, Karel Srp - Czech Art 1900 - 1990, Prague City Gallery, 1990

Type of course unit



52 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Czech art after the beginning of the 20th century, generation after impressionism and before expressionism.
2. Expressive, cubist-expressive, cubist, symbolist tendencies, artist grous - Osma, Skupina výtvarných umělců, Sursum, Umělecká Beseda.
3. Reconstitution of the art scene after WWI. Tvrdošíjní Group.
4. Styles and movements in the 1920s Neo-classicism, poetism, Devětsil, artificialism, landscape painting, official scene.
5. Styles and movements of the 1930s. Abstraction, surrealism.
6. Czech sculpture of the first half of the 20th century.