Course detail
Electrical Power Distribution
FEKT-BDEEAcad. year: 2016/2017
Essential problems of power distribution. Methods of solution of the steady states of distribution networks. Identification of characteristic values of short circuits for both symmetrical and asymmetrical failures.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
The students pass out the course are able to:
- describe basic division of power system and their separate parts
- list and describe fundamental parameters of the power network elements and enumeration of basic dependencies of these parameters
- give details of aspect of power network design and verification
- calculate the power network steady state on low and middle voltage levels and current and voltage conditions on the ultra high voltage lines
- design cross-section of line or limited power network based on power losses or voltage drop
- explain principles of parallel and serial compensations
- named type of short-circuits for symmetrical and nonsymmetrical failures
- calculate characteristic values of short circuit current for specified point in power network
- expertly estimate the value ranges of the basic calculated quantity
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Students can obtain:
up to 40 points from tutorial lessons (tests and protocols from laboratory exercise)
up to 60 points from the exam (30 points practical part and 30 points theoretical part), both parts are in the written form. The exam is focused to verify the student understanding of the area power distribution.
Detailed requirements for completion of a course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated every year.
Course curriculum
2. Equivalent networks replacing the power system (PS) elements and their parameters.
3. Basic aspects for design of electrical network
- power losses
- operational and momentary temperature rise of overhead and cable power lines
- voltage drop
4. High and low voltage networks
- simple three-phase lines
- meshed three-phase networks
- single-phase lines
5. Parallel and serial compensation
6. Very high voltage networks
- PS elements modeling by two-port network
7. Ratio values in three-phase systems
8. Short circuit currents and their impact on the PS elements
9. Mathematical modelling of PS when calculating the characteristic values of short circuit currents for symmetrical failures
10. Characteristic values of short circuit currents calculation for asymmetrical failures
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
HODINKA, M., FECKO, Š., NĚMEČEK, F.: Přenos a rozvod elektrické energie. SNTL ,1989. (CS)
HORÁK, K. : Výpočet elektrických sítí. SNTL, 1980. (CS)
SAADAT, H.: Power system analysis. McGraw-Hill, 1999. (EN)
TROJÁNEK, Z.,HÁJEK, J., KVASNICA, P.: Přechodné jevy v elektrizaních soustavách, SNTL/ALFA, 1987. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Equivalent networks replacing the power system (PS) elements and their parameters.
3. Basic aspects for design of electrical network
- power losses
- operational and momentary temperature rise of overhead and cable power lines
- voltage drop
4. High and low voltage networks
- simple three-phase lines
- meshed three-phase networks
- single-phase lines
5. Parallel and serial compensation
6. Very high voltage networks
- PS elements modeling by two-port network
7. Ratio values in three-phase systems
8. Short circuit currents and their impact on the PS elements
9. Mathematical modelling of PS when calculating the characteristic values of short circuit currents for symmetrical failures
10. Characteristic values of short circuit currents calculation for asymmetrical failures
Fundamentals seminar
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Conductor cross-section dimensioning in simple-type power lines by using the voltage drops and power losses
3. Parallel and series compensation
4. Calculation of symmetrical and asymmetrical short circuits
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Solution of short circuit relations in power distribution network, by using PC
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Measurements of model of high-voltage power line for no-load state
3. Measurements of model of high-voltage power line for short-circuit state
4. Parallel compensation
5. Serial compensation
6. Measurement asymmetrical load