Course detail
Materials and Technical Documentation
FEKT-BMTDAcad. year: 2016/2017
Materials for electrical and electronic engineering, classification. Electrical conducting and resistive materials. Superconductors. Ferro- and ferrimagnetic materials. Dielectric and insulating materials. Semiconductors. Materials for optoelectronics.
Standardization of documents (ISO, EN, IEC, ETS, ČSN). Drawings of parts and assembly. Schemes in electrotechnics. Documentation for printed circuit boards. Diagrams. Text documents. Informative database. Computer support for creating documentation.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- be knowledgeable in electronic and electrical materials,
- classify electrical materials according to electric conductivity and behavior in electric and magnetic fields,
- describe typical properties and parameters of particular categories of electrical materials and links between these properties and material structure and composition,
- be knowledgeable in basic selection of suitable materials for construction of simple electronic and electrical devices,
- create drawing documentation in electrical engineering,
- read the drawing documentation of other branches for cooperation,
- create simple drawing documentation of the mechanical engineering type including tolerances of shape, position and structure of the surface,
- use basics of the SolidWorks system – creating 3D volume models and assemblies.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
up to 37 points from written test focused on technical documentation
up to 37 points from written final exam focused on electronic materials
Course curriculum
2) Computer support facilities (MS Word, MS Excel, OrCAD/SDT, AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Computer-aided engineering CAE).
3) Display methods in drawing documentation, E and A methods. Appropriate form of parts drawings (display, dimensioning and its accuracy, rules of surface state, geometrical tolerances). Assembly drawings, drawings with electrical assembly.
4) Electrotechnical schemes - general and supplementary marks, marks of components, combined marks (ČSN IEC 617). Display of connections and couplings. Marking objects in electrotechnics by letters and numbers. Ways and methods of displaying on schemes. Kinds of electrotechnical schemes.
5) Basic documentation for printed circuit boards. Terminology, classes of precision, execution, necessities of basic documents. Kinds of basic graphic documents.
6) Text documents (ČSN ISO 5966), requirements on the layout, elaboration and design. Diagrams and their creating. Informative database - bases, study of literature, patents etc.
7) Materials for electrical and electronic engineering. Composition, structure and regulation of the material`s properties. Crystalline and amorphous matters. Energy band model.
8) Metallic materials. Conducting and resistive materials. Solders, materials for electric contacts, thermoelements, fuses. Superconductors.
9) Semiconductors. Elemental and compound semiconductors, organic semiconduconductors.
10) Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. Thermodynamic equilibrium of charge carriers. Conductivity of semiconductors.
11) Organic and inorganic insulating materials. Dielectric materials. Piezoelectrics, electrets. Dielectric polarization and electrical conductivity.
12) Magnetically soft- and hard materials. Ferro- and ferrimagnetic materials. Materials for magnetic recording. Metallic glass.
13) Materials for optoelectronics. Optical fibres,liquid crystals. Displays and imagers. Composites and sandwich structures. Materials for production of printed circuits.
Work placements
The aim in the part "Technical Documentation" is to acquaint students with standardization of documents in electrotechnology, with ways and demands on their processing. The students will learn the basis of usage of CAD systems, MS Word and Excel.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Procházka, P., Rozsívalová, Z.: Materiály a technická dokumentace, část Technická dokumentace. Elektronické texty, Brno 2002. (CS)
Recommended reading
Giesecke,F., a další: Technical Drawing,Prentice Hall, USA (EN)
Hassdenteufel, J. a ost.: Elektrotechnické materiály, Alfa-SNTL Bratislava 1978. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme EECC Bc. Bachelor's
branch B-SEE , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
branch B-TLI , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
branch B-EST , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
branch B-AMT , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
branch B-MET , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory - Programme AUDIO-J Bachelor's
branch J-AUD , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
- Programme EEKR-CZV lifelong learning
branch EE-FLE , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2) Computer support facilities (MS Word, MS Excel, OrCAD/SDT, AutoCAD).
3) Display methods in drawing documentation, E and A methods. Appropriate form of parts drawings (display, dimensioning and its accuracy, rules of surface state, geometrical tolerances). Assembly drawings, drawings with electrical assembly.
4) Electrotechnical schemes - general and supplementary marks, marks of components, combined marks (ČSN IEC 617). Display of connections and couplings. Marking objects in electrotechnics by letters and numbers. Ways and methods of displaying on schemes. Kinds of electrotechnical schemes.
5) Basic documentation for printed circuit boards. Terminology, classes of precision, execution, necessities of basic documents. Kinds of basic graphic documents.
6) Text documents (ČSN ISO 5966), requirements on the layout, elaboration and design. Diagrams and their creating. Informative database - bases, study of literature, patents etc.
7) Materials for electrical and electronic engineering. Composition, structure and regulation of the material`s properties. Crystalline and amorphous matters. Energy band model.
8) Metallic materials. Conducting and resistive materials. Solders, materials for electric contacts, thermoelements, fuses. Superconductors.
9) Semiconductors. Elemental and compound semiconductors, organic semiconduconductors.
10) Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. Thermodynamic equilibrium of charge carriers. Conductivity of semiconductors.
11) Organic and inorganic insulating materials. Dielectric materials. Piezoelectrics, electrets. Dielectric polarization and electrical conductivity.
12) Magnetically soft- and hard materials. Ferro- and ferrimagnetic materials. Materials for magnetic recording. Metallic glass.
13) Materials for optoelectronics. Optical fibres,liquid crystals. Displays and imagers. Composites and sandwich structures. Materials for production of printed circuits.
Fundamentals seminar
Teacher / Lecturer
Structure of atoms, molecules, substances
Semiconductor materials
Conductive and resistive materials
Magnetic materials
Dielectric materials
The interpretation of individual examples, calculations and formulas for solving their own individual groups of materials.
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
AutoCAD. Screen graphics mode, coordinates, drawing tools, layers, drawing limits. Units. Templates. Drawing and editing commands. Commands: ORTHO, SNAP, polar tracking, ZOOM, PAN. Text Styles, Dimension Styles. Writing Multi-line text. Dimensioning.
Drawing symbols and diagrams of electrical systems design in PADS.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Ing. Michal Jahn, Ph.D.
Ing. Kristýna Jandová, Ph.D.
Ing. Tomáš Gottwald
Ing. Michal Bílek
doc. Ing. Jiří Vaněk, Ph.D.
Ing. Jiří Tichý
Ing. Michal Macek
doc. Ing. Petr Křivík, Ph.D.
Ing. Kamil Jaššo, Ph.D.
Ing. Jiří Libich, Ph.D.
Ing. Dávid Strachala, Ph.D.
Ing. Josef Máca, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Tomáš Kazda, Ph.D.
Ing. Robert Bayer
Ing. Josef Hylský
2) Measurement of V/A characteristics of lightbulb, variator and varistor
3) Relative permittivity and power loss factor measurements of insulators in HF range
4) Measurements of volume and surface resistance of insulators
5) Measurements of power losses of ferromagnetic materials by oscilloscopic method
6) Resistivity temperature dependence measurements and analyses of thermistors
7) a) Resistivity temperature dependence measurements of conductive and resistive materials
b) Work with electrotechnical materials databases
8) Monitoring of temperature and frequency effects on complex permittivity of insulators
9) Forbidden gap width measurement of semiconductor material
10) Initial permeability temperature dependence measurements of ferrites
11) Relative permittivity and power loss factor measurements of insulators with Schering bridge
12) Evaluation of basic properties of semiconductor material