Course detail
Design in Power Electric Systems
FEKT-BPEEAcad. year: 2016/2017
Legislature for design, qualification of people working in electrical engineering, creating and use of design documentation for electrical and electrical power devices, orientation in technical details, norms and regulations, appreciating and assessment of work and material, using computer technology for design, dimensioning and protection of electrical networks, protection against contact with dangerous voltage, construction materials used in electrical engineering and the relation to design.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
1. A general introduction to the design, requirements for independent design.
2. Concepts in design, project, project documentation, drawings.
3. Legislation in the design, standards and regulations, classification of personnel in electrical engineering.
4. Distribution of environmental influences, category.
5. Bills of quantities, budgets, pricing of work and materials, calculations, calculation formulas.
6. Electrical insulation materials in low voltage networks, connecting and interconnecting materials, wires, cables, wiring, materials used in practice, grounding, lightning protection, protective bonding.
7. Designing power distribution. Sizing and protection management.
8. Designing low-voltage switchgear. Design of surge protection.
9. Designing slaboproudýchrozvodů.
10. The tasks of the designer of the future in the energy sector, the overall view of energy issues of today and tomorrow's world.
11. CAD, CAM, CAE, current trends in design.
12. Invited lecture odbroníka of practice.
13. Invited lecture odbroníka of practice.
Numerical exercises
1. Examples of drawings.
2. Calculation of the design of arresters.
Computer exercises
1. Entering the wiring project.
2. Proposal for a wiring diagram, design, design protection.
3. Creation of drawings.
4. Proposal for surge protection.
5. Processing of bills of quantities, valuation work and material.
Laboratory exercises
1. Conventional lighting circuits and socket circuits.
2. The asynchronous motor.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Katalogy předních výrobců silnoproudých zařízení - Siemens, Schrack, Moeller, ABB
Příručka pro projektování, montáže a revize, SALTEK 1998, 1999
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Legislature for design, norms and regulations, work safety and the classification of competencies for workers in electrical engineering.
Terms for design, project, project documentation, lay-out documentation, Categorizing influences of environment, categories of areas.
Assessment specifications, budgets, appreciating work and material, calculations, calculation formulas.
Connecting and interconnecting materials, conductors, wiring cables, wiring, dimensioning conductors, industrially materials used.
Electrical insulation materials in low voltage networks, design of low voltage switchboards, grounding, lightning conductors, protective interconnections.
Electronic security systems and electronic fire alarm systems, back-up power supplies, emergency lighting systems.
Construction materials for high and very high voltage, wiring constructions, design of loose wiring, cable wiring.
Design of co-generation units, connecting conditions of power distribution plants, dimensioning of main connections and the choice of circuit breakers.
Design of large complexes of electrical power systems, a general approach to an electric power system, energy-related, economic and ecological balance, other influences upon the environs.
Design of hydroelectric, wind and solar power plants and other alternative electric power sources.
Modern systems for design, computer-aided design, CAD, CAM, CAE systems, present design trends.
The tasks of a developer in the future in the sphere of electric power systems, general view of electrical power problems in the present and in the future.
Fundamentals seminar
Teacher / Lecturer
Dimensioning conductors calculation.
Loose wiring calculation.
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
Elaborating a project documentation.
Elaborating a project documentation.
Elaborating assessment specification and works appreciation.
Elaborating assessment specification and materials appreciation.
Electrical wiring design.
Short circuit current calculations and conductor dimensioning.
Assignment of a switchboard project.
An independent switchboard project.
An independent switchboard project.