Course detail
Programmable Logic Controllers
FEKT-BPGAAcad. year: 2016/2017
Programmable logic controllers in process control.
Control systém of production enterprize.
Relay control sytem and Programmable logic controllers .
Control and monitoring system SCADA
Control and information systém for enterprise resource planning (ERP), Manufacturing execution system MES.
Total control and information enterpise systém.
Common features of programmable logic controllers, overview, construction features, hardware configuration of PLC Siemens S7-300, addressing of signal modules, categories of programmable logic controllers.
Interconnection of programmable logic controllers in nets, Mulmulti-Point Interface (MPI), communication levels.
Principles of PLC programming, modules configuration, memory areas in CPU.
Programming language STL, program exection, modes of CPU, programs blocks, addressing, variables and constants.
Basic functions, logical functions, memory functions, load and transfer functions, operations with accumulators, timers, counters, compare functions, aritmetical functions, transfer operation.
Analogue signals in PLC, representation of analogue values, standardisation of analogue values, PID function in PLC.
Programming of process systems, program standardisation in PLC programming.
Sequentional programming in PLC, functional descriptions, praphic form of sequentional programming, SIMATIC S7-GRAPH, sequencer.
Modul strukture of PLC programs, module hierarchy.
Communication between PLC and control and monitoring systems SCADA, hardware and software for communication support, drivers.
PC based control systems, control systems Slot PLC, control systems Soft PLC, SoftPLC versus PLC.
Laborytory training is devided into two parts. In the first part students got familiar with PLC Allan-Bradley produced by Rockwell Automation. In the second part training in laboratories is focused on programming of models of real technological processes using methods of logical and sequential programing of PLC.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Explain the importance of PLC in control of technological processes.
Describe the information pyramid control production company.
Define relay control systems and programmable logic controllers.
Describe the concept of SCADA.
List and describe the various layers of information pyramid
Define general characteristics of programmable controllers, design and programmable logic category.
Create configuring PLC
Use basic functions, logic functions, memory functions, loading and transfer operations with batteries, timers, counters, comparison operations, arithmetic functions, transfer operation.
Implement analog signal processing in PLC, analog value representation, standardization analog values of analog modules used in the control loop.
Understand the programming process technology, control systems criteria with PLC, PLC standardization programs.
Explain the sequential PLC programming using functional and data blocks, functional algorithms (descriptions), image sequence programming SIMATIC S7-GRAPH.
Understand communication with PLC control and visualization systems, communication PLC and SCADA hardware and software to support communication drivers.
Know the concepts of control systems, PC-based control systems Slot PLC, Soft PLC control systems.
- The definition of a state machine and types.
- Meaning and importance of an oriented graph.
- What is the state and transition table.
- Use basic operations of Boolean algebra.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
14 points - lab protocols
9 points - project
For credit:
submit all protocols
minimum 15 points from labs
For exemination:
minimum 35 points from 70 accessable
Course curriculum
1. Introduction to laboratory trainings with PLC Allen Bradley programming.
2. Total control system for production enterprize (relais, PLC, SCADA, ERP, MES), general features of PLC, hardware configuration, types of PLC's, interconnection of PLC's, basics of PLC programming, memory areas.
3. Programming languages, prohram execution, block types, variables addressing, logical functions, memory functions (R-S), Load and Transfer, timers, counters, arithmetical a nd comparison operatioons, conversion functions.
4. Block functions, examples of block calls, examples of PLC programs with FC and FB blocks.
5. Execution of analogue signals in PLC, reprezentation of analogue values, handlimg of analogue signals in a control loop.
6. Programming tool for Siemens PLC - Simatic Manager.
7. Instructions and tips for programming tasks in laboratory trainings.
8. Sequential programming of PLC, functional description of control algorithms, graphic sequentional programming.
9. SIMATIC S7-GRAPH, Grafcet (Schneider Electric).
10. Standardization of PLC programs (S88), module hierarchy, functions of modular programming systems.
11. Communication between PLC's and SCADA systems, hw and sw support for the communication, drivers, OPC.
12. PC based control systems, Slot PLC control systems, Soft PLC control systems, SoftPLC versus PLC.
13. Overview of difficult topics / feedback of laboratory trainings.
Laboratory trainings:
Training 1 to 5: Model programming PLC Allen Bradley (ladder diagram).
Training 6: Test
Training 7 to 11: Model programming PLC SIMATIC (ladder diagram and STL, S7 GRAPH sequential programming).
Training 12: Test
Training 13: Evaluation.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Martinásková M., Šmejkal L.: Řízení programovatelnými automaty, vydavatelství ČVUT, Praha, 2004 (CS)
Šmejkal L.: PLC a automatizace 2, BEN, Praha 2005 (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Introduction to laboratory trainings with PLC Allen Bradley programming.
2. Total control system for production enterprize (relais, PLC, SCADA, ERP, MES), general features of PLC, hardware configuration, types of PLC's, interconnection of PLC's, basics of PLC programming, memory areas.
3. Programming languages, prohram execution, block types, variables addressing, logical functions, memory functions (R-S), Load and Transfer, timers, counters, arithmetical a nd comparison operatioons, conversion functions.
4. Block functions, examples of block calls, examples of PLC programs with FC and FB blocks.
5. Execution of analogue signals in PLC, reprezentation of analogue values, handlimg of analogue signals in a control loop.
6. Programming tool for Siemens PLC - Simatic Manager.
7. Instructions and tips for programming tasks in laboratory trainings.
8. Sequential programming of PLC, functional description of control algorithms, graphic sequentional programming.
9. SIMATIC S7-GRAPH, Grafcet (Schneider Electric).
10. Standardization of PLC programs (S88), module hierarchy, functions of modular programming systems.
11. Communication between PLC's and SCADA systems, hw and sw support for the communication, drivers, OPC.
12. PC based control systems, Slot PLC control systems, Soft PLC control systems, SoftPLC versus PLC.
13. Overview of difficult topics / feedback of laboratory trainings.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Training 6: Test
Training 7 to 9: Model programming PLC SIMATIC (ladder diagram and STL).
Training 10 to 11: Model programming PLC SIMATIC - S7 GRAPH (sequential programming).
Training 12: Test
Training 13: Substitute training, evaluation.