Course detail
Control Theory 1
FEKT-BRR1Acad. year: 2016/2017
Basic terms is Control Theory .Feedforward and feedback control. Simple on-off and proportional control(continuous and discrete type). Performance evaluation of feedback controllers. Stability of feedback systems. Steady state and dynamics errors. Root locus method and frequency analysis. PID controllers. Systems with multi feedback loops. Digital PSD controllers. Multivariable feedback control.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
70 points from final written exam
Course curriculum
2. Controlled Plants. Identification and approximation of controlled objects.
3. Basic transfer functions in Closed-Loop Control Systems. Block Diagrams of Continuous and Discrete time Systems and Components.
4. Stability Definitions. Stability of Continuous and Discrete time Systems. Hurwitz, Routh and Nyquist Criteria of Stability.
5. Simple Controllers: P, I, PI, PD and PID types. Quality of control, dynamic parameters, cost functions.
6. Root- Locus Analysis and Design. Gain and Phase Margin from R-L.
7. Nyquist Analysis and Design of Controllers. Frequency Response open and close loop.
8. Method of required possition of closed loop poles, standard form of ahcaracteristic polynomial, method of optimal time response, Ziegler-Nichols method.
9. Special properties of Discrete time control. Approximation of Sampler and Hold Circuit by Time-Delay.
10. Systems with Dead Beat Performance (dbp control).
11. Control Systems with additional loops.
12. Multivariable feedback control.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Distefano, J. J., Stubberud, A. R. and Williams, I. J.: Feedback and Control Systems. McGraw-Hill Companies, 1994. (EN)
Vavřín:Teorie řízení 1,VUT 1991 (CS)
Vavřín,Zelina:Automatické řízení počítačem,SNTL 1982 (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme EECC Bc. Bachelor's
branch B-EST , 2 year of study, summer semester, elective interdisciplinary
branch B-AMT , 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
branch B-MET , 2 year of study, summer semester, elective interdisciplinary - Programme EEKR-CZV lifelong learning
branch EE-FLE , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
On-off control for dynamic systems.
Regulators, servo control and program control.
Descriptions of static and dynamic properties. I/O approach.
State variables,state space.
Stability of linear feedback systems.
Analysis of static and dynamic errors in control systems.
Root locus method.
P and I controllers.
PID control.
Sampled data control systems.
Discrete PSD controllers.
Multi loop systems.
Fundamentals seminar
Teacher / Lecturer
Steady state errors. Integral kriterion of control.
Stability by Bode diagram and algebraic methods.
Analysis and design of PID controller.
Evaluation of study activities.
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
Simulation of on-off, P and PID control.
Bode analysis and design.
Root locus method.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Continuous control with PID controler.
Discrete PSD control with microprocessor.
Using of this controller for PSD and dead-bead control.