Course detail
Therapeutic and Prothetic instruments
FEKT-BTPTAcad. year: 2016/2017
The principle and construction of instruments used in therapy and surgery - electrical stimulation, magnetotherapy, ionizing and non ionizing radiation, ultrasound and low temperature. Support and substitution of organs. Therapeutical effects on human organism.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- Explain the principles of physical therapy,
- Explain the impact of physical fields and describe their effects on the human body,
- Explain the principle of electrical stimulation and specify types of stimulators, including their usage,
- Describe the use of ultrasound in the treatment and its effects, indicate structural design of ultrasonic probes and devices,
- Indicate the possibility of using electromagnetic field therapy (diathermy, radiotherapy), to explain the principles of the method, to design simple applicators,
- Describe the effect of low temperatures on human tissue, describe the technical solutions of cryocauters,
- Describe the principle of support heart function and kidney function, explain technical solutions apparatus for these purposes,
- Explain the principle of hearing aids, indicate their types, propose a method of speech signal processing,
- Explain the role of computers in planning and management of therapy, give specific examples.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
1. laboratory tasks (min 15 points, max 30 points)
2. final exam (min 35 points, max 70 points).
Students are assessed in the laboratory, where they must demonstrate competence in the design part of the therapy equipment and measuring parameters of therapeutic devices. The final test checks student’s knowledge about the effects of physical fields on the human body and therapeutic technique.
Course curriculum
2. Effects of therapeutic procedures on the human body,
3. Electrical stimulation of muscles and organs,
4. Pacemakers, gastro- and uro-stimulators,
5. Ultrasound physical therapy, aerosology,
6. High-frequency heating of tissues, hyperthermia, electrotomy,
7. Radiotherapy nuclides and accelerated electrons, gamma knife,
8. Cryosurgery, principles and technical equipment solutions,
9. Support for a replacement heart function, extracorporeal circulation,
10. Support of renal function, hemodialysis and hemofiltration,
11. Support for sensors, digital hearing aids, cochlear and visual neuroprosthesis,
12. Computer planning and management of therapy.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Kline I et al: Handbook of Biomedical Engineering. Academic Press, San Diego 1988
Múčka V: Aplikace radiačních metod. ČVUT FJFI, Praha 1992
Robertson V, Ward A, Low J, Reed A: Electrotherapy explained: principles and practice. Elsevier, 2006
Rozman J, a kol.: Elektronické přístroje v lékařství. Academia, Praha 2006
Rozman J: Terapeutická technika. Skripta VUT FEI, Brno 2000
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Background of biophysics and physiology
3. Electrical stimulation of tissue, pacemarkers
4. Electrical stimulation of tissue, gastrostimulators, neurostimulators
5. Introduction to biofeedback, myofeedback, IMF therapy
6. Magnetotherapy
7. The ultrasound physical therapy, aerosology
8. Highfrequency therapy, diathermy
9. The crysurgery, principle and construction
10. The radiotherapy, brachytherapy
11. Využití světelného záření v terapii
12. The support of kidney function, haemodialyse and haemofiltration
13. The digital instruments for organs
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
2) Introduction to practical tasks II
3) 1. task: the realization and experimet with the gastrostimulator
4) 2. task: the IMF therapy
5) 3. taska: the radiotherapy planning
6) 4. taska: the balance trainer
7) 5. task: design of the pacemarker in LabView media
8) 6. taska: design of the hearing aid in LabView media
9) 7. taska: generator for electrical stimulation (LabView)
10) 8. task: biofeedback (LabView)
11) Alternative task
12) Credit test