Course detail
Object Oriented Programming
FEKT-KOOPAcad. year: 2016/2017
Basic features of the .NET platform, introduction of development environment MS Visual Studio. Basics of the C# language - basic types, classes, operators, conversions, cycles, decision-making, value and reference types, enumerated types, numeric data types, strings and characters, string operations, fields and collections, namespaces. Object-oriented programming in C # - pillars of OOP, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, type casting, the lifetime of the object, exception handling, delegates, events, generics, reflection, anonymous classes, types var and dynamic, lambda expressions, integrated querying language - LINQ. .NET Libraries – collections library, namespace for working with files - System.IO, namespace for the user interface - System.Windows.Forms. Web applications and web services - design principles of web applications and web services, System.Net library, simple client-server communication via sockets.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- control the development environment Microsoft Visual Studio,
- create a program in C#,
- debug programs in C# and look for errors,
- explain the pillars of object-oriented programming,
- design the object structure of a program,
- design graphical user interface,
- propose a relational model of the database applications,
- create a web service and web application.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
up to 28 points per semester project
up to 50 points per exam (written part of the 40 points + 10 points oral)
The exam consists of obligatory written and obligatory oral part.
Course curriculum
2. Class, instance, class members (data members, events, methods, properties), constructors, modifiers.
3. Cycles, conditions, enumerated types.
4. Strings, arrays, namespaces.
5. Pillars of object-oriented programming in C # (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism).
6. Virtual methods, abstract classes, hiding of members, casting, exceptions handling.
7. Interfaces, delegates, events, generics, reflection, lambda expressions, LINQ.
8. Collections, working with files.
9. Graphical user interface - Forms, WPF.
10. Fundamentals of Database Systems, SQL language.
11. MS SQL data access, LINQ to SQL technology.
12. Web services, ASP. NET applications.
13. Recapitulation, analysis of the written part of examination.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
MACDONALD M., SZPUSZTA M. ASP.NET 3.5 a C# 2008, Zoner Press 2008, 1584 s., ISBN 978-80-7413-008-3 (CS)
MAREŠ, A., 1001 tipů a triků pro C# 2010, Computer Press, 2011, ISBN 9788025132500 (CS)
PECINOVSKÝ, R. OOP - Naučte se myslet a programovat objektově, Computer Press 2010, 576 s., ISBN 978-80-251-2126-9 (CS)
PIALORSI, P., RUSSO, M. Microsoft LINQ - Kompletní průvodce programátora, Computer Press 2009, 616 s., ISBN 978-80-251-2735-3 (CS)
SHARP J. Microsoft Visual C# 2008, Computer Press 2008, 592 s., ISBN 978-80-251-2027-9 (CS)
VIRIUS, M., C# 2010 Hotová řešení, Computer Press, 2012, 424 s., ISBN 978-80-251-3730-7 (CS)
WATSON, B., C# 4.0 - řešení praktických programátorských úloh, Zoner Press, 2010, 656 s., ISBN 978-80-7413-094-6 (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans