Course detail

Microeconomics 1

FP-Bmik1PAcad. year: 2016/2017

The course deals with microeconomic relations and connections, terms and theoretical foundations necessary for microeconomic analysis of the problems, allowing a complete picture leading to rational behavior of micro-entity in the market environment. The content of the course is focused on the issue of the behavior of consumers and company in the environment of perfect and imperfect competition. The course also deals with the issue of production factors and production functions. The content of the course is also represents the area of state intervention in microeconomic terms.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Student will know theoretical approaches from a microeconomics area and he/she will understand the role of market to other microeconomics entities and he/she will make a critical analysis of real feature from microeconomics area.


This course does not assume any prior knowledge of economics.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course contains lectures that explain basic principles, problems and methodology of the discipline, and exercises that promote the practical knowledge of the subject presented in the lectures

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Student will pass the seminars if he/she will score minimum of 24 points. The maximum is 40 points.
Evaluation of the seminars consists of three parts:
1. final test – it’s evaluated a maximum of 30 points, the minimum is 18 points.
2. quick tests – maximum of 9 points.
3. 100% attendance – maximum 1 point.

Student has to attend at least 75% of seminars. Apology letter should be send to the teacher in 5 working days.

Quick tests can be written any time during the semester. There will be 3 quick tests and each test is maximum of 3 points. Student can write quick test for second time. But it can be done before the next quick test. When the student want to write the third quick test for second time, it has to be done before the final test.
Final test is evaluated a maximum of 30 points. The minimum is 18 points. Student can write this test for the second time, if he/she won’t pass for the first time.

A final exam consists of written exam - student has to obtain at least 33 pts from 60 pts (approximately 14-18 exam questions)

A final scale for a valuation of student (a student can obtain max. 40 pts from seminars, 60 pts from written exam, total 100 pts):
A: 90 - 100 pts
B: 80 - 89 pts
C: 70 - 79 pts
D: 60 - 69 pts
E: 50 - 59 pts
F: less then 50 pts

Course curriculum

• Introduction to economics
• The basics of supply and demand
• Consumer behaviour
• Individual and market demand
• Production
• The cost of production
• Profit maximization and competitive supply
• The analysis of competitive markets
• Imperfect competition: monopoly and monopsony
• Pricing with market power
• Monopolistic competition and oligopoly
• Markets for factor inputs
• Impact of governments decision
• Externalities and public goods

Work placements

Not applicable.


The goal of the course is to teach student to "think like an economist," which will help students to understand the world around, make better economic decisions in own life, and be a more informed citizen and voter. The course focuses on economic theory and therefore will often rely on abstract concepts. However, the course will emphasize the application of these concepts to real world situations through frequent in-class discussions of current events and interactive learning exercises.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Attendance in seminars will be checked, a student has to fulfil a 75% attendance in seminars. Apology letter should be send to the teacher in 5 working days.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

HOŘEJŠÍ, Bronislava. Mikroekonomie. 5., aktualiz. vyd. Praha: Management Press, 2010, 574 s. ISBN 978-80-7261-218-5. (CS)
ŠKAPA, Stanislav. Mikroekonomie I. Vyd. 2., přeprac. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2012, 131 s. Učební texty vysokých škol. ISBN 978-80-214-4574-1. (CS)

Recommended reading

HOLMAN, Robert. Mikroekonomie: středně pokročilý kurz. 2., aktualiz. vyd. V Praze: C.H. Beck, 2007, xvi, 592 s. Beckovy ekonomické učebnice. ISBN 978-80-7179-862-0. (CS)
MANKIW, Gregory N. Zásady ekonomie. Praha: Grada, 2000. ISBN 978-80-7169-891-1. (CS)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BAK Bachelor's

    branch BAK-EPM , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


• Introduction to economics
• The basics of supply and demand
• Consumer behaviour
• Individual and market demand
• Production
• The cost of production
• Profit maximization and competitive supply
• The analysis of competitive markets


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


• Basics facts about organisation of seminars. Introduction to Economics. Market and market mechanisms.
• Scarceness and allocation of economics resources. Production factors. Using a graph in microeconomics.
• Consumer Behaviour
• Individual and Market Demand
• The Cost of Production
• Profit Maximization and Competitive Supply
• The Analysis of Competitive Markets
• Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony
• Pricing with Market Power
• Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
• Markets for Factor Inputs
• Impact of Governments decision
• Externatilities and Public Goods