Course detail
Flight Planning and Performing
FSI-FLPAcad. year: 2016/2017
The course is concerned with principles of flight planning and performing; the emphasis is put especially on flight plan with regard to the mass and performance. Aeroplane operation at all flight phases, emergency cases included.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
KELLER, Ladislav a Jindřich KOCÁB. Učebnice pilota: pro žáky a piloty všech druhů letounů a sportovních létajících zařízení, provozujících létání jako svou zájmovou činnost. Vyd. 2. Cheb: Svět křídel, 2006. ISBN 80-852-8089-2. (CS)
KENNY, created and compiled by James. Navigation: general navigation, flight planning, radio aids. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford Aviation Training, 2007. ISBN 978-095-5517-723. (EN)
SOLDÁN, Vladimír. Letové postupy a provoz letadel. 1. vyd. Jeneč: Letecká informační služba Řízení letového provozu České republiky, 2007, 214 s. ISBN 978-80-239-8595-5. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Load-terminology, check of aircraft mass, procedures of weighing, documentation.
3. Effect of overload, limitations, bases of centre of gravity position.
4. Loading area, limitations of loading, cargo manipulation, securing of cargo.
5. Performance of single engine aircrafts without certificate according to JAR/FAR 25 – B-level efficiency.
6. Performance of multi engines aircrafts without certificate according to JAR/FAR 25 – B-level efficiency.
7. Performance of certified aircrafts according to JAR/FAR 25 – A-level efficiency , take-off, climbing, ASDA.
8. A-level efficiency , cruising flight, use of climbing and cruising flight graphs, control of cruising flight, descending and landing.
9. Manipulating with operations manual, filling in Weight + Balance Sheet, preparation of flight.
10. Over flight plan; plan of navigation and fuel, monitoring and over planning of flight, radio communication.
11. Flight plan ATC ICAO, types of flight plans, filling of flight plans ICAO, etc...
12. Practical flight planning, carts bases, factual navigation and fuel panning, flight planning under IFR.
13. Flight planning under IFR, chose of routes, meteorological situation, aspects of jet engine flight planning.
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Mass of concrete aircraft, work with documentation, weight examples.
3. Counting of centre of gravity position with concrete cases, counting of changes in centre of gravity position.
4. Work with operation manual, counting of loading area loading, etc..
5. Work with operation manual of single engine aircraft- efficiency of B-level.
6. Work with operation manual of multi engines aircraft- efficiency of B-level.
7. Work with operation manual of aircraft- efficiency of A-level.
8. Work with operation manual of aircraft- efficiency of A-level.
9. Work with operation manual of aircraft- efficiency of A-level and with W+B Sheet.
10. Working out of navigation and fuel plans for concrete route.
11. Filling of flight plans in ATC ICAO.
12. Flight planning and preparation under use of standard bases.
13. Credit work, course-unit credit award.
E-learning texts 27.98 MB
Meteorologie pro sportovní letce
Meteorologie_pro_sportovni_letce.rar 34.08 MB
ČVUT - hmotnost a vyvážení
031 00 - Hmotnost a vyvážení.pdf 38.67 MB