Course detail
Electrical Equipment of Energy Machines and Apparatuses
FSI-MELAcad. year: 2016/2017
The course informs students on basic electric and electronic systems used in thermal, nuclear and water power plants, including further applications of thermal, hydraulic and pneumatic machines and equipment. Also dealt with are electric systems and their classification. Electric schemes of hydraulic stations. Equipment of operation and control elements in power industry. Introduction into electric equipment of waste and bio-mass incineration plants, water treatment plants and solar power conversion.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
According to the possibility of teaching can be organized lectures for students by practitioners and excursions to companies focused on activities related to the course content.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Elliot,T.C.,CHEN,K.,Swanekamp,R.C.:Standard Handbook of Powerplant Engineering. McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc. ISBN 0-07-019435-1
Kadrnožka,J.: Tepelné elektrárny a teplárny. SNTL, Praha 1988
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Electric schemes of thermal, nuclear and water power plants.
3. Working principle of alternator.
4. Working of alternator to separate network.
5. Parallel working of alternator with network.
6. Turbo and hydro alternators construction basics.
7. Alternators synchronisation and staging.
8. Alternator excitation systems.
9. Generator regime of asynchronous machine.
10.Common working of synchronous generator with the driving machine.
11.Electric drives in power devices.
12.Electric equipment of operation and control elements in power industry.
13.Electric equipment of non-convention devices with environmental function.