Course detail
FSI-XZKAcad. year: 2016/2017
Subject Testing introduce students with system and practical rules for working in test and calibration laboratories. Students should be able to apply the rules for measurements, testing, control and calibration. Acquired knowledge is also possible apllied for assurance of the check methods in manufacture. Systems of accreditation. Basis of test law. Quality assurance. Quality control. Procedures of testing and calibration of the measuring instruments. Validation of testing methods. Documentation of the testing results. Testing results expression. Uncertainty of measurement. Meter calibration uncertainty. Practical validation of the knowledge in testing laboratories.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
According to the possibility of teaching can be organized lectures for students by practitioners and excursions to companies focused on activities related to the course content.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
The report with solution procedure:
- measurement management system (ISO 10012)
- uncertainty of measurement
- quality system audit of test/calibration laboratory (EN ISO/IEC 17025).
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Skákala, J. Všeobecná metrológia. Bratislava: Ediční středisko SVŠT v Bratislavě, 1990. ISBN 80-227-0275-7. (SK)
Zákony č. 102/2001 Sb., 22/1997 Sb., 90/2016 Sb., 174/1968 Sb., 505/1990 Sb. včetně prováděcích právních předpisů (CS)
Recommended reading
ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025 Požadavky na zkušební a kalibrační laboratoře. Praha: UNMZ, 2018. (CS)
ČSN ISO 5725-1:6. Přesnost (pravdivost a preciznost) metod a výsledků měření. Praha: UNMZ, 2018. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Important requirements for the accreditation of the test laboratories. Quality control system for the test/calibration laboratories (EN ISO/IEC 17 025). Application of the requirements for accreditation to the quality control system for the test laboratory.
3. Requirements for test laboratory - requirements for management of the system (EN ISO/IEC 17025).
4. Requirements for test laboratory - technical requirements (EN ISO/IEC 17025).
5. Quality control system of the calibration laboratory. Procedure of calibration for the verification measuring instruments (mass, temperature, measuring instrument of lenght, capacity).
6. Metrology in test laboratory. Aspects of metrology in testing.
7. Confirmative system of metrology - measurement management systems (ISO 10012).
8. Aspects of the quality assurance (QA). Aspects of the operative management of quality in the test laboratories.
9. Statistics for the laboratory practice. Regulation diagrams.
10. Use of standards and internal procedures for testing. Validation of the test procedurs. Mutual approval of the test results.
11. Accuracy (trueness and precision) of the methods and results of the measurement.
12. Test results processing and test results locution. Uncertainty of the test results in the test laboratory. Statistical interpretation of the test results (confidence interval).
13. Uncertaines of the measurements. Applied aplications for used sort of the tests, tests of the physical parametres of mass, strenght, flexure, hardness).