Course detail
FP-coPAcad. year: 2017/2018
The course is focussed on the following areas: controlling as a subsystem of enterprise management, the aims and functions of controlling, operational controlling and strategic controlling.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Skills: The student can handle multi-step calculations of contributions to cover fixed costs and create profit. They can use tipping point analyses and solve problems with the provision of discounts. They can analyse deviations from established plans. From the results of their analyses the student can produce a report on the economic performance of a specific department in the enterprise.
Abilities: The student is able to orient themselves in financial statements and calculations, can make oral presentations on their work and carry responsibility for the correctness of their results.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
a) Active participation in seminars, individual assessment by the teacher (max. 10 points) – calculation of examples (set in e-learning), presentation of approaches and results.
b) 2 credit tests at previously set dates. Each test will include 2 examples, the maximum score from each test is 10 points. To pass the test a score of at least 60%, i.e. 6 points, is needed. Each test can only be resat once.
c) A students will gain a credit if they have at least 60% of the total possible number of points from the seminars (max. 30 points) and at the same time gets at least 60% in each of the tests, i.e. 2 x 6 points. The assessment from the seminars is entered into the overall assessment of the course with a weighting of 30%.
Examination requirements:
Knowledge is verified by a written examination. Only students who have applied in IS and have the credit entered will be allowed to sit the examination. The examination is made up of 1 theoretical question and 1 case study, or 2 theoretical questions. The examination lasts 45 minutes. The maximum score for the examination is 70 points. The resulting assessment of the course is the sum of the points scored from the seminars and the examination. The examination is classified according to the ECTS scale. Incorrect or illegible answers are assessed as unsatisfactory.
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
ŽIŽLAVSKÝ, O. Controlling. Studijní text. Brno: Cerm, 2014. s. 1-112. ISBN: 978-80-214-4857-5. (CS)
Recommended reading
HORVATH & PARTNERS. Nová koncepce controllingu: cesta k účinnému controllingu. 2004. 1. české vyd. Praha: Profess Consulting, 288 s. Poradce controllingu. ISBN 80-725-9002-2. (CS)
MERCHANT, Kenneth A a Wim A VAN DER STEDE. 2012. Management control systems: performance measurement, evaluation and incentives. 3rd ed. New York: Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 815 p. ISBN 02-737-3761-9. (EN)
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme MGR Master's
branch MGR-UFRP , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
branch MGR-PFO , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
branch MGR-ŘEP , 1 year of study, summer semester, elective - Programme MGR-A Master's
branch MGR-UFRP-A , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1. The essence and tasks of controlling. Materials for controlling. Controlling as a subsystem of enterprise management. Controlling functions. The controller in the enterprise – updating the position in the company.
2. Operational controlling: management accounting and enterprise planning, system of budgeting, annual planning (including writing the annual plan, rabat). Updating the definition of requirements for the controlling system.
3. Operational controlling: single-step and multi-step calculations of contributions to cover fixed costs and create profit.
4. Operational controlling: information security of managers, flexible plan of costs, deviation analysis, control.
5. Operational controlling: modern system of budgeting - Activity Based Budgeting, Advanced Budgeting: Better and Beyond.
6. Operational controlling: Managing corrective actions to fulfil planned objectives, including value analysis.
7. Strategic controlling: multi-year planning (the connection between strategic, multi-year and annual plans). The development and realisation of strategy.
8. Selected instruments for strategic controlling.
9. Strategic controlling: information security of managers, analysis and control. Permanent management of potential. Managing corrective actions to fulfil objectives.
10. Strategic controlling: Recommended approaches to introducing controlling, incorporating controlling in the enterprise’s hierarchy, the process of controlling, examples from practice.
11. Controlling risks: definition of basic terms, general approach to risk management, risk management with the aid of the RIPRAN method.
12. Controlling research and development: definition of innovation, the innovation process, the effects of innovation, the project approach, financial vs. non-financial indicators, systems of indicators.
13. Integrating the Balanced Scorecard into the controlling system: key problems, integration of the BSC into strategic and operational planning, reporting, interconnection of methods of controlling with the Balanced Scorecard.
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Tipping point analysis calculations in planning.
2. Multi-step calculations of contributions to cover fixed costs and create profit.
3. Test 1.
4. Zero-base budgeting. The flexible plan of costs of cost centres and its fulfilment.
5. Analysis of deviations.
6. Test 2. Awarding of credit.