Course detail
Lighting Systems
FEKT-MOSVAcad. year: 2017/2018
Course lighting systems expands knowledge of lighting techniques to the practical parts associated with the design, construction and operation of lighting systems. Students are at first introduced to the basic variables and relations that are necessary for the design of indoor and outdoor lighting systems. There are explained the methods of lighting systems design and there are presented the legislative regulations and standards necessary for this activity. Furthermore, students are confronted in detail with the most commonly used light sources and luminaires, as well as materials needed for their production. In the next step there are explained general procedures and principles of the lighting design of indoor and outdoor space using not only artificial sources, but also the contribution of daylight. Also the student is familiarized with the problems of regulation, evaluation and measurement and with basic elements of smart wiring.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
up to 16 points for the project lighting system
up to 60 points for the final exam, which is focused on an overview of issues taught in the course
Course curriculum
2. Measurement of light-technical characteristics of the luminaires, data formats used for exchange of photometrical data and parameters of luminaires.
3. Analysis and design of lighting systems, computational methods generally, computing applications.
4. The legislative basis for lighting technology, laws, regulations, standards.
5. Light sources for luminaires.
6. Function and sorting of luminaires, basic types of optical components, luminaire requirements for different types of light sources, electrical accessories and basic structural elements of luminaires.
7. Overview of the most widely used lighting technology materials and their properties.
8. Basic principles of the design of interior lighting systems, lighting comfort, discomfort glare.
9. Daylight lighting of buildings, problems of associated lighting, basic design principles.
10. Basic principles in the design of outdoor lighting systems, public lighting, road lighting and lighting of outdoor areas.
11. Smart wiring, basic principles of luminous flux regulation, control of lighting systems.
12. Control of indoor lighting systems, modern systems for lighting control, control of public lighting.
13. New trends in lighting technology, unconventional methods of measurement and lighting system design, assessment of the energy consumption of lighting systems.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Habel, J., Dvořáček, K., Dvořáček, V.,Žák, P.: Světlo a osvětlování, FCC Public s.r.o., Praha 2013, ISBN 978-80-86534-21-3
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Measurement of light-technical characteristics of the luminaires, data formats used for exchange of photometrical data and parameters of luminaires.
Analysis and design of lighting systems, computational methods generally, computing applications.
The legislative basis for lighting technology, laws, regulations, standards.
Light sources for luminaires.
Function and sorting of luminaires, basic types of optical components, luminaire requirements for different types of light sources, electrical accessories and basic structural elements of luminaires.
Overview of the most widely used lighting technology materials and their properties.
Basic principles of the design of interior lighting systems, lighting comfort, discomfort glare.
Daylight lighting of buildings, problems of associated lighting, basic design principles.
Basic principles in the design of outdoor lighting systems, public lighting, road lighting and lighting of outdoor areas.
Smart wiring, basic principles of luminous flux regulation, control of lighting systems.
Control of indoor lighting systems, modern systems for lighting control, control of public lighting.
New trends in lighting technology, unconventional methods of measurement and lighting system design, assessment of the energy consumption of lighting systems.
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
Návrh osvětlovací soustavy – výpočet osvětlenosti a jasů, export dat
Vizualizace návrhu osvětlovací soustavy – volba scén, energetická náročnost
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Design of lighting system – luminance and illuminance evaluation, data export
Visualization of lighting system design – scene setting, energy consumption
Measurement of radiation spectra of small light sources
Measurement of luminous flux of small light sources
Measurement of luminous intensity curves of fluorescent luminaires
Measurement of spectral and integral transmittance of transparent materials
Thermal evaluation of luminaires
Measurement of chromaticity temperature difference depending on supply voltage
Measurement of colour rendering index of light sources
Operational properties of electrical lighting sources
Luminance analysis of luminaires using digital photography
Measurement of directional characteristics of reflective materials