Course detail
Construction and Production of Electrical Equipments
FEKT-MSVPAcad. year: 2017/2018
Main topics of the course:
Product life cycle. Inner factors of company. Design methodology. Technologic design. Bases of Project management.
Design of insulation distances on electrical apparatus LV and HV. Voltage tests.
Design of current-curring line of el. apparatus LV and HV with respect on force and heat action of current.
Quenchin chambers of el. apparatuses, priciples of arc quenching used in el. appartuses.
Bases of mechanical design of el. apparatuses.
Insulating and current-curring materials and technolgy of manufacturing.
Testing of el. apparatuses, type tests, production tests.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Bases of Project Management. Phases of effective work during design and manufacturing preparation processes. Design alternatives of insulation distances and its testing. Design procedure of current currying way, force and heat effects of el. current. Design bases of movement mechanism. Metallic and Insulation materials. Technology manufacturing of materials and design components. Type tests of el. apparatuses.
To design basic design components and materials of el. apparatuses (insulation distances, current-currying way, moving mechanism).
Classification of el. apparatuse on base of different aspect.
Fundametal components and physical phenomena inside of el. apparatuses LV, MV and HV.
Action of different forms of energy on components inside of el. apparatuses (machanical, electrical, electromagnetic, heat, chemical reaction).
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
1. Explanation of each subjects in lectures (L1-L13).
2. Exercises of each subjects, design of el. apparatuses.
3. Design of three selected components (calculation, drawings).
4. All text available in E-learning.
4. All text available in E-learning.
4. Excursion in production one company (Siemens, Eaton, IVEP).
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Three partial projects - design of el. apparatuses, 30 points.
Written and oral examination, 60 points.
Course curriculum
1. Bases of Project management. Product life cycle. Design process. Design Methodology.
2. Design of insulation distances. Voltage tests.
3. Insulation materials. Technology of manufacturing.
4. Design of current-currying way (heat effect of rated current).
5. Design of current-currying way (heat effect of rated current).
6. Design of current-currying way (force effect of rated current).
7. Contacts (design of contact system, materials, manufacturing).
8. Metallic materials, technology of manufacturing.
9. Bases of mechanical design of el. apparatus (movement of contacts, springs, electromangets).
10. Quenching arrangement (principles and design of quenching chambers).
11. Release machanism of el. apparatuses (bimetals, electromagnets).
12. Instrument transformers of current and voltage.
13. Testing of el. apparatuses (type and production tests).
1. SWOT analysis and Log Frame description as part of project preparation.
2. Design of insulation distances on el. apparatuses LV and HV.
3. Design of LV el. apparatus (insulation, current-currying way).
4. Design of LV el. apparatus (insulation, current-currying way).
5. Design of LV el. apparatus (insulation, current-currying way).
6. Design of HV el. apparatus (insulation, current-currying way, heat, force, mechanism).
7. Design of HV el. apparatus (insulation, current-currying way, heat, force, mechanism).
8. Design of HV el. apparatus (insulation, current-currying way, heat, force, mechanism).
9. Design of release mechanism (bimetal, electromagnet).
10. Measurement on release mechanism.
11. Design of instrument transformer.
13. Excursion in product factory (OEZ, Siemens, ABB).
14. Tests demonstration in short-circuit testing station (CVVOZE).
Work placements
Goal of the course for students are mastered base procedures of designer during design process and process of product preparation.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Test: Design of el. apparatuses, 10 points.
Three partial projects - design of el. apparatuses, 30 points.
Written and oral examination, 60 points.
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Havelka, O.: Stavba el. přístrojů I.,VUT, 1984
Král J.: Technologie výroby elektrických přístrojů, SNTL, Praha, 1982
Král J., Vaněk J. : Elektromagnetické přístroje, VUT, 1984
T.E. Browne, jr.: Circuit interruption, N.York,1984.
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer