Course detail
Plasma Physics and Diagnostics
FEKT-MFPLAcad. year: 2017/2018
This course is an introduction to plasma science. The following topics are demonstrated during a semester:
Plasma state properties. Plasma generation. Plasma of gas discharges. Plasma and energy conversion (MHD generators, direct conversion of heat into electrical energy). Plasma as a source of radiation, plasma source of light, low-pressure and high pressure lamps, gaseous lasers, plasma displays. Plasma as working medium (material processing, electrical cleaning of gases). Plasma as particles source (generation of ions and fast neutrals). Plasma as a source of motion (ion and plasma drives). Controlled thermonuclear fusion.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- recognize characteristics of the plasma state and illustrate its properties;
- give examples of the plasma state either in nature or in industrial practice;
- demonstrate skills in a mathematical modeling of a plasma;
- use mathematical formulas for description of basic plasma processes;
- define kinetic processes in a plasma state;
- describe transport and thermodynamic properties in a plasma;
- describe collision processes in a plasma;
- analyse motion of charged particles in both electric and magnetic fields;
- characterize various gas discharges;
- describe DC and AC arc plasmas;
- recognize basic plasma diagnostic methods;
- explain principles of nuclear fusion as a source of energy.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
- numerical and laboratory projects, up to 55 pts;
- attendance of a lecture of industrial expert, 5 pts;
- final written test, up to 25 pts
Course curriculum
2. Plasma technology - introduction.
3. Charged particles motion.
4. Introduction to kinetic theory of gases.
5. Classification of gas discharges.
6. Electric arc, switching arc.
7. Plasma diagnostics.
8. Thermodynamic and transport properties of a plasma.
9. Non-isothermal plasma.
10. Plasma radiation.
11. Lasers.
12. Controlled thermonuclear fusion.
13. Summary, final test.
Work placements
- to develop problem solving skills in plasma technologies;
- to become aware of the role of plasma physics in industrial sphere;
- to recognize basic methods of plasma diagnostics in quenching chambers of switchgear, plasma torches and other plasma devices.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
F. F. Chen: Úvod do fyziky plazmatu, Academia, Praha, 1984 (CS)
J. Kracík, J.B. Slavík, J. Tobiáš: Elektrické výboje, SNTL, Praha, 1964. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Plasma technology - introduction.
3. Charged particles motion.
4. Introduction to kinetic theory of gases.
5. Classification of gas discharges.
6. Electric arc, switching arc.
7. Plasma diagnostics.
8. Therma plasma modelling.
9. Plasma sources of radiation, gaseous lasers. 10. Plasma as a source of motion, ion and plasma 11. Other plasma applications.
12. Controlled thermonuclear fusion.
13. Summary, final test.
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Calculation of electron ionization with Maxwell distribution of velocities.
3. Calculation of ionization in plasmas using Sahas equation.
4. Calculation of electric arc plasma parameters according Mayer's equation.
5. Calculation of radiation intensity of black body (Planck's, Wienn's and Rayleigh-Jeans' laws).
6. Prediction of radiation influence to isothermal diagram of SF6 plasma.
7. Final exercise, evaluation, credits.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Experimental prediction of electrodes temperature.
3. Measurement of DC arc E-I characteristics.
4. Measurement of AC arc E-I characteristics.
5. Measurement of relative temperature distribution in AC electric arc.
6. Application of equidensitometry method to the electric arc shape prediction.