Course detail
Electromechanical System Dynamics
FEKT-MDESAcad. year: 2017/2018
The basic laws of electromechanical energy conversion. Electromechanical systems with one or more excitation coils, with linear and with rotor movement. Dynamic equations. Variation principle. Theory of general electric machine, basic equations and its linear transformation. Mathematical model of synchronous generator, interaction of synchronous generator and mains, transients in the system generator - mains.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- explain principle of electromechanical energy conversion
- explain principle of accumulation of electric and magnetic accumulation,
- explain terms energy and coenergy, conservative and nonconservative system,
- derive expression of force and torque in linear and nonlinear system with linear and rotary movement and solve simple exaples,
- form dynamic equations of electromagnetic system,
- describe and explain general theory of electric machines and form dynamic equations,
- explain transformation of coordinates,
- form dynamic equations of induction, synchronous and DC machines and solve electric machines transients using Matlab Simulink.
- explain electromagnetic basic principles, solve DC, AC electric circuits with lumped parameters and magnetic circuits,
- differentiate functions of one and more variables,
- integrate functions of one and more variables,
- solve transients in linear and nonlinear circuits using Matlab Similink,
- explain principle of operation and properties of electromagnets, transformers, induction, synchronous and DC machines.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Final exam 65 points
Course curriculum
Basic laws of electromechanical energy conversion. Laws of conservation of energy.
Energy and coenergy as state function. Systems with one and/or more excitation coils.
Dynamic equations of an electromechanical system.
Lagrange equations, Hamiltons principle of motion.
General electric machine and its equations.
DC machine as a general electric machine.
Transformation of coordinates. General view.
Synchronous machine. Mathematical expression of self and mutual inductances.
Transformation of coordinates: a,b,c to d,q,0; reverse transformation.
Dynamic equations of synchronous machine in transformed coordinates. Transients in the system electrical machine and mains.
Transformation of coordinates of an induction machine. Mathematical model in arbitrary rotating q,d,0 coordinates.
Modelling in steady state and in transient regime.
Mathematical model and simulation of transformer.
PC laboratory:
Simulation software Matlab. Basic instruction. Principle of electric circuit solutions.
Computer programme for differential equation solution. Simulation of DC motor transients.
Simulation of DC shunt motor transients. Nonlinearity of magnetic circuit influence.
Dynamic equation of electromagnet. Electromagnet supplied from DC and/or AC source. Electromagnet supplied from rectifier.
Individual project.
Individual project.
Dynamic simulation of synchronous machine.
Dynamic simulation of a system synchronous machine and transmission line.
Individual project.
Dynamic simulation of induction machine in real coordinates a,b,c.
Dynamic simulation of induction machine in d,q,0 coordinates.
Individual project.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Majmudar, H.:Elektromechanical Enargy Conversion,England Allynana Bacon
Měřička, Zoubek:Obecná teorie elektrického stroje,SNTL Praha
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme EEKR-M Master's
branch M-KAM , 2 year of study, winter semester, elective interdisciplinary
branch M-EEN , 2 year of study, winter semester, elective interdisciplinary
branch M-SVE , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory - Programme EEKR-CZV lifelong learning
branch EE-FLE , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Energy and coenergy as state function. Systems with one and/or more excitation coils.
Dynamic equations of an electromechanical system.
Lagrange equations, Hamiltons principle of motion.
General electric machine and its equations.
DC machine as a general electric machine.
Transformation of coordinates. General view.
Synchronous machine. Mathematical expression of self and mutual inductances.
Transformation of coordinates: a,b,c to d,q,0; reverse transformation.
Dynamic equations of synchronous machine in transformed coordinates. Transients in the system electrical machine and mains.
Transformation of coordinates of an induction machine. Mathematical model in arbitrary rotating q,d,0 coordinates.
Modelling in steady state and in transient regime.
Mathematical model and simulation of transformer.
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
Computer programme for differential equation solution. Simulation of DC motor transients.
Simulation of DC shunt motor transients. Nonlinearity of magnetic circuit influence.
Dynamic equation of electromagnet. Electromagnet supplied from DC and/or AC source. Electromagnet supplied from rectifier.
Individual project.
Individual project.
Dynamic simulation of synchronous machine.
Dynamic simulation of a system synchronous machine and transmission line.
Individual project.
Dynamic simulation of induction machine in real coordinates a,b,c.
Dynamic simulation of induction machine in d,q,0 coordinates.
Individual project.