Course detail
Tax System
FP-KdasKAcad. year: 2017/2018
The aim of the course is to get students acquainted with the taxes included in the current tax system of the Czech Republic. The course is designed to provide students awareness of particular taxes and to provide them necessary knowledge in order they could be able to fill out the tax returns to direct taxes. Within the concept of the course, the emphasis is put on the legal regulation on personal income tax.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
a) class exam I - personal income tax (the test takes 75 minutes, max. 15 points)
b) class exam II - road tax, tax on immovable property and tax on the acquisition of immovable property (75 minutes, max. 15 points)
c) test
The test is cross-sectionally focused on verifying the knowledge gained. The test takes the form of a test - 30 questions with sub 3 sub-questions (only one answer is correct). Min. 50% of the total possible points is a condition to successfully pass the exam. The test takes 30 minutes.
Scoring the answers in the test:
- correct answer: + 1 point
- not answered: 0 points
- wrong answer: - 1 point
Final classification
The examination is classified according to ECTS.
The final classification of the subject is influenced by the work during the semester (see below).
Course curriculum
2. Personal Income Act (subject exemptions, partial tax bases of tax base of individuals – in general)
3. Personal Income Act (income from employment, income from independent activities).
4. Personal Income Act (income from capital, income from rent and other incomes).
5. Personal Income Act (means of tax optimization (tax allowances, items deductible from
tax base, tax credits, tax return, annual settlement of advances).
6. Road Tax - subject, exemption, taxpayer, tax base, tax rate, tax return.
7. Tax on Immovable Property – land tax (subject, exemption, taxpayer, tax base, tax rate, tax return).
8. Tax on Immovable Property – tax on buildings and units (subject, exemption, taxpayer, tax base, tax rate, tax return).
9. Tax on Acquisition of Immovable Property (subject, exemption, taxpayer, tax base, tax rate, tax return).
10. Corporate Income Tax (taxpayers, subject to tax, exemptions, tax base).
11. Corporate Income Tax (tax rate, tax optimization, tax return).
12. Value Added Tax (principles of its functioning on the background of EU regulation, subject to tax).
13. Value Added Tax (tax base, tax rates, tax return, mandatory reporting).
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
VANČUROVÁ, Alena a Lenka LÁCHOVÁ. Daňový systém ČR 2014. 12. aktualiz. vyd. Praha: 1. VOX, 2014, 391 s. ISBN 978-80-87480-23-6.
Zákon č. 16/1993 Sb., o dani silniční, ve znění pozdějších předpisů
Zákon č. 235/2004 Sb., o dani z přidané hodnoty, ve znění pozdějších předpisů
Zákon č. 338/1992 Sb., o dani z nemovitých věcí, ve znění pozdějších předpisů
Zákon č. 586/1992 Sb., o daních z příjmů, ve znění pozdějších právních předpisů
Zákonné opatření Senátu č. 340/2013 Sb., o dani z nabytí nemovitých věcí
Recommended reading
ŠIROKÝ, Jan. Daně v Evropské unii: daňové systémy všech 28 členských států EU, legislativní základy daňové harmonizace včetně judikátů SD, odraz ekonomické krize v daňové politice EU, zdanění finančního sektoru. 6., aktualiz. a přeprac. vyd. Praha: Linde, 2013, 386 s. ISBN 978-80-7201-925-0.
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Guided consultation in combined form of studies
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Personal Income Act (subject exemptions, partial tax bases of tax base of individuals – in general)
3. Personal Income Act (income from employment, income from independent activities).
4. Personal Income Act (income from capital, income from rent and other incomes).
5. Personal Income Act (means of tax optimization (tax allowances, items deductible from
tax base, tax credits, tax return, annual settlement of advances).
6. Road Tax - subject, exemption, taxpayer, tax base, tax rate, tax return.
7. Tax on Immovable Property – land tax (subject, exemption, taxpayer, tax base, tax rate, tax return).
8. Tax on Immovable Property – tax on buildings and units (subject, exemption, taxpayer, tax base, tax rate, tax return).
9. Tax on Acquisition of Immovable Property (subject, exemption, taxpayer, tax base, tax rate, tax return).
10. Corporate Income Tax (taxpayers, subject to tax, exemptions, tax base).
11. Corporate Income Tax (tax rate, tax optimization, tax return).
12. Value Added Tax (principles of its functioning on the background of EU regulation, subject to tax).
13. Value Added Tax (tax base, tax rates, tax return, mandatory reporting).