Course detail

Innovations Management

FP-ipPAcad. year: 2017/2018

The course focuses on innovation process and the position of innovations in entrepreneurial strategy

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students will have a clear idea of modern methods applied when preparing and implementing an innovative process in the given company.


Fundamentals of the organization and managerial functions of the company


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures consist of an explanation of basic principles, methodology of the discipline, problems and their solutions.
Exercises promote the practical mastery of subject presented in lectures or assigned for individual study with the active participation of students.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Conditions for passing an exam:
Written form. Only those students who have a recognized seminar paper can participate.
The exam has a written form. Only those students who have written credit in the IS are eligible to participate.
The exam consists of two theoretical open questions, the answer time is 20 minutes. It is evaluated:
a) Proper identification of the problem
b) The method and scope of the problem with emphasis on its explanation.
The answer to each question is evaluated separately. The final score is given by the arithmetic mean. The exam is classified according to the ECTS scale. Incorrect and unreadable responses are considered as inappropriate.

Course curriculum

Topics of lectures are as follows:
- Resources of innovative opportunities
- Innovations implementation principles
- Creating innovation spirit in the company
- Principles of a new project creation and management
- Innovative Entrepreneurial Strategies
- Kondratyev cycle and related theories
- Strategy of science and technology development today
- Value Management.
The seminars are focused on practising the lectured topics and elaboration of case studies (both individually and in teams).

Work placements

Not applicable.


The main objective of the course is to provide students with the theoretical foundations and methodology necessary for the preparation and realization of innovation process emphasizing the creation of suitable conditions for innovations and the use of the most suitable innovation technologies.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Control of results of independent work on specified tasks. Excused absence from seminars make be compensated for via additional condition set by the teacher, usually via elaboration of partial written task.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

BARTES, F. Inovace v podniku. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o., 2008. 125 s. ISBN: 978-80-214-3634-3. (CS)
VALENTA,F. Inovace v manažerské praxi. Praha: Velryba, 2001. (CS)

Recommended reading

DRUCKER, P.F. Inovace a podnikavost. Praha: Management Press, 1992. ISBN 80 – 85603 – 29 – 2. (CS)
PITRA, Z. Příprava a provádění organizačních změn. Praha: Grada, 1998. ISBN 80 – 7169 – 623 – 4. (CS)
VLČEK,R. Hodnota pro zákazníka. Praha: Management Press, 2002. ISBN 80 – 7261 – 068 – 6. (CS)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme MGR Master's

    branch MGR-ŘEP , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
    branch MGR-PFO , 2 year of study, winter semester, elective

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


Topics of lectures are as follows:
- Resources of innovative opportunities
- Innovations implementation principles
- Creating innovation spirit in the company
- Principles of a new project creation and management
- Innovative Entrepreneurial Strategies
- Kondratyev cycle and related theories
- Strategy of science and technology development today
- Value Management.


13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


The seminars are focused on practising the lectured topics and elaboration of case studies (both individually and in teams).