Course detail

Business Logistics

FP-RplKAcad. year: 2017/2018

The course provides students with basic project knowledge of material and information flow and their optimization. It deals with development trends in logistics as global discipline and presents information needed for solving different complicated and global issues such as purchase, supply, product and run problems, which are required for effective business management.
The subject aims is to teach How to calculate rentability and economy of logistics processes both for industrial organization and customers. The course makes presumption for
projecting of logistics networks; asuring fluency material with minimum level of inventory etc.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Student will be made familiar with:Description of material flow in production, trading and distribution organization.Order processing in manufacturing organization Proposing of a design for management of supplies relations.Design and implementation of logistics systems in selected firms with the use of basic project management tool - Microsoft Project - form case study Management inventory. Production logistics in Škoda Auto – excursion. Selection process of supply strategy – purchase marketing – form – case studyBesides student will acquire basic skills of logistics manager in the given conditions


When a student begins the course, he/she is expected to have the knowledge and skills in the area of manufacturing technologies in industrial organizations. Besides this condition student must be familiar with business economy, mathematics disciplines, statistics, theory of decisions, informatics technologies and communication technologies. Students will deepen their knowledge of profitability of assets, management theory, and of obtaining data from accounting.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching methods depend on the type of course unit as specified in the article 7 of BUT Rules for Studies and Examinations.
Guided consultations are devoted mainly to consultation and control tasks assigned to a separate
processing. This method of teaching is dominant in distance study,

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

The course is concluded with a graded course-unit credit that is awarded on condition of having presented an individual case study and three common cases studies. Student has to demonstrate his/her theoretical knowledge and skills.
The exam is 50 minutes long.Oral exam verifies the mark given for the written part and makes the final grade more accurate.For awarding grade E it is necessary to process examples up to the numerical formulation and prove minimum knowledge of theory - e.g. additional tasks related to the theoretical approaches answered orally.

Course curriculum

Fundamentals of logistics. Logistics as science discipline vs. practical management approach.Logistics goals. Logistics conception. Personal aspects of logistics. Logistics procurement. Objectives, goals and strategy of procurement logistics.Production synchronized with the inventory processes.Inventories management. Kind of inventories. Supplier’s selection process. Calculation of order quantity and order cycles. Costs on supply processes. Transports and inventories systems.Extra-enterprises logistic system in transportation chains.In-house traffic systemsDistributed and rotation logistics. Packing. Output products and assuring loading.Costs on distributed logistics. Order management. Order release, work schedule, order monitoring.

Work placements

Not applicable.


The course provides basic information necessary to understand the problems of controlling and optimising material flow with the use of information flows to achieve the efficiency. Basic theoretical approaches will be verified in industrial organizations in form of excursions. Student will understand how to create continuous material flows in point of disconnection, and project an optimal inventory level for assuring continuity of all other activities. Also dealt with is the sphere of material components procurement components as resources for entrepreneurial activities in an industrial organization.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Attendance is checked at all forms of lessons by the tutor. Activities are checked by presenting the results of individual case studies.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

EMMETT,S. Řízení zásob, Brno Computer Press 2008, 298s., ISBN 978-80-251-1828-3 (CS)
LAMBERT,D.M.,STOCK,J.R.,ELLRAM,L.M. Logistika. Praha: Computer Press 2000, 589s. ISBN 80-7226-221-1 (CS)
SCHULTE,CH. Logistika. 1 vyd. Praha:Victoria Publishing, 1994, 301s. ISBN 80-85605-87-2 (CS)
STRAUBE,F. e-Logistika.Berlin Springer-Verlag 2004, 424s. ISBN 3-540-20869-0 (EN)

Recommended reading

JUROVÁ,M. Obchodní logistika. 1. a 2.část. 2.přepr. a dopl. vyd., Brno VUT v Brně, FP 2006, s.130, ISBN 80-214-3128-8 (CS)
STADTLER,H., KILGER,CH. Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning. New York Heidelberg Berlin Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-22065-8 (EN)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme MGR-KS Master's

    branch MGR-ŘEP-KS , 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



20 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


Fundamentals of logistics. Logistics as science discipline vs. practical management approach.Logistics goals. Logistics conception. Personal aspects of logistics. Logistics procurement. Objectives, goals and strategy of procurement logistics.Production synchronized with the inventory processes.Inventories management. Kind of inventories. Supplier’s selection process. Calculation of order quantity and order cycles. Costs on supply processes. Transports and inventories systems.Extra-enterprises logistic system in transportation chains.In-house traffic systemsDistributed and rotation logistics. Packing. Output products and assuring loading.Costs on distributed logistics. Order management. Order release, work schedule, order monitoring.

Guided consultation in combined form of studies

35 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer