Course detail
Practise In Business Negotiation
FP-PtojPAcad. year: 2017/2018
The course focuses on relevant knowledge necessary for efficient business negotiation. Development of social ability and competences is emphasized, while the practice activities concentrate especially on mastering of business skills by students in national and international environment.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
KONEČNÁ, Z. Základy komunikace. Základy komunikace. 1. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2009. s. 1-151. ISBN: 978-80-214-3891- 0.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
2. Characteristics of seller personality; selecting criteria and training of sales personnel.
3. Effective social communication – verbal.
4. Effective social communication – non-verbal.
5. Typology of customers; assessment of a partner in business negotiation process.
6. Business negotiation process: initiation and customer´s needs identification.
7. Business negotiation process: effective argumetation principles.
8. Business negotiation process: answering questions, effective answering of customers objectives.
9. Business negotiation process: making an effective offer and conclusion of business negotiation.
10. Priciples of effective presentation of firm and products.
11.General principles of business negotiation process in an international environment.
12.Specifics of business negotiation process in selected national cultures
13. Final conlusion and evaluation of acquired knowledge and skills, awarding course-unit credits.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
DEVITO, J. A. Základy mezilidské komunikace. Grada, Praha 2001, 1. vyd., 420 s., ISBN 80-7169-988-8. (CS)
GRETZ, K.F., DROZDECH, S.R. Psychologie prodeje. Praha: Victoria publishing, 2002. ISBN 80-247-0401-3. (CS)
HOSPODÁŘOVÁ, I. Obchodní jednání – kde je problém? Praha: Expertis, 1997. ISBN 80-902446-0-2. (CS)
KOMÁRKOVÁ, R., RYMEŠ, M., VYSEKALOVÁ, J. Psychologie trhu. Praha: Grada Publishing, 1998, 160 s. ISBN 80-7169-632-3. (CS)
LYKOVÁ, J. Jak organizovat a řídit úspěšný prodej. Praha: Grada, 2002. 200 s. ISBN 80-247-0205-3. (CS)
Recommended reading
PROVAZNÍK, V. a kol. Psychologie pro ekonomy a manažery. Praha: Grada, 2002. 228 s. ISBN 80-247-0470-6. (CS)
WAGE, J.L. Řeč těla jako účinný nástroj prodeje. Praha: Management Press, 1998. 115 s. ISBN 80-85943-71-9. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Characteristics of seller personality; selecting criteria and training of sales personnel.
3. Effective social communication – verbal.
4. Effective social communication – non-verbal.
5. Typology of customers; assessment of a partner in business negotiation process.
6. Business negotiation process: initiation and customer´s needs identification.
7. Business negotiation process: effective argumetation principles.
8. Business negotiation process: answering questions, effective answering of customers objectives.
9. Business negotiation process: making an effective offer and conclusion of business negotiation.
9. Priciples of effective presentation of firm and products.
10.General principles of business negotiation process in an international environment.
11.Specifics of business negotiation process in selected national cultures (specifics of English-speaking countries).
12. Specifics of business negotiation process in selected national cultures (specifics of German- and French speaking countries).
13. Final conlusion and evaluation of acquired knowledge and skills, awarding course-unit credits.