Course detail
Computer Control
FEKT-BCRTAcad. year: 2017/2018
Design and realisation of various continuous and discrete PID controllers. Optimization of adjusted parameters. Introduce to adaptive controllers. Self-tuning controllers. Control of technological processes. Real-time operated systems. Programming in real-time, synchronization methods. Implementation of digital controllers. Sensors, normalisation, connection, limited of disturbance. Digital and continuous filtration. Binary control, Peri nets and GRAFCET.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Examination: Max. 70 points.
Combined test -written part and oral evaluations written processing. Max. 70 points
Course curriculum
Physical background of control.
Design and realisation of continuous PID controllers, bump-less swithing, anti-windup.
Different types of PID controllers, realisation, setting of parameters, comparison, anti-windup and switching between algorithms.
Design and realisation of discrete analogy of continuous PID algorithms.
Philosophy of the process identification and design of controller's algorithm.
Optimum settings of controller's parameters, adaptive controllers, self tuning controllers, specific problems of adaptive control.
Real-time operating system. Programming in real-time, synchronisation methods, Software for computer control. Implementation of heterogenous algorithms in real-time.
A/D and D/A converters, binary outputs and inputs, galvanic isolation, isolations amplifiers.
Sensors and normalisation circuits, influence of disturbances.
Digital and continuous filtration.
Petri nets and Grafcet
Computer exercise :
Introductory lesson (organisation, instructions, safety). Demonstration. Introduction to Automation Studio for direct implementation of real-time control algorithms in MATLAB/Simulink- PLC B&R-physical models.
Programing S-function in MATLAB.
Realisation of disrette variants of continuous PID controllers, optimizing of setting parameters..
Identification of parameters ARX modell, adaptive systems
Submission of projects.
Realisation of self-tuning controller
Control of physical models.
Control of heating tunnel.
Contol of synchronous motors.
Presentation of protocols, credit.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Design and realisation of continuous PID controllers, bump-less swithing, anti-windup.
Different types of PID controllers, realisation, setting of parameters, comparison, anti-windup and switching between algorithms.
Design and realisation of discrete analogy of continuous PID algorithms.
Philosophy of the process identification and design of controller's algorithm.
Optimum settings of controller's parameters, adaptive controllers, self tuning controllers, specific problems of adaptive control.
Artificial intelligence in controls algorithms. Real-time operating system. Programming in real-time, synchronisation methods, Software for computer control. Implementation of heterogenous algorithms in real-time.
A/D and D/A converters, binary outputs and inputs, galvanic isolation, isolations amplifiers.
Sensors and normalisation circuits, influence of disturbances.
Digital and continuous filtration.
Petri nets and GRAFCET.
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
Programing S-function, realization of a discrette filter.
Realisation of continuous PID controller, verification on the simulated model.
Discrete analogies of continuous PID algorithms, verification on the simulated model.
Simulation in real-time in the program MATLAB.
Verification of PID controllers on physical models. Anti-windup.
Various PID controllers, bumpless switching between algorithms.
Modelling in Petr Nets and GRAFCET.
Submission of projects.
Control of physical models.
Control of heating tunnel.
Contol of synchronous motors.
Control of logical models.
Presentation of protocols, credit.