Course detail
Printed Circuits and Surface Mount Technology
FEKT-BPSMAcad. year: 2017/2018
Subject deals with topics of printed circuit board (PCB) production and assembly process from the components and used chemistry at the entrance of the process to the repairs and quality requirements at the assembly process exit. Subject deals with basic materials for production of printed circuit boards (PCB), their properties, application and comparison with inorganic substrates, technology procedures of single-, double- and multi-layer PCBs production, new technology trends of PCB production, surface mount technology (SMT), throuh hole technology (THT) and combined mounting of electronic parts and quality requirements of placement and soldering.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
define basic terminology from PCB
describe and explain differences in basic materials - organic, inorganic - composition, properties and application
prove knowledges from subtractive technique of PCB production . Name and explain partial production steps of single, double and multilayer PCB
is able after received knowledges operate with PADS PCB design system, later is able to design simple PCB in PADS
prove to explain technology procedures from throuh hole technology (THT), surface mount technology (SMT) and mixed technology
prove to explain flux, solder paste, adhesive and solder alloy functions
master soldering and cleaning of PCB problematics, is able to disscuss questions of til/lead and lead free techniques
able to apply received knowledges in real production PCB technology analysis, prove to disscuss partial steps
master reflow soldering temperature profile measuring and evaluation
prove to interprete quality requirements for assembly and soldering according to international standards IPC A 610 rev. D , E
able practically place and solder PCB with surface mounted devices (SMD), master principles and technique of repair of TH and SM devices, manual assembly and deassembly
master basic english terminology from PCB production and from PCB assembly
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Examination is oriented to evaluation of received knowledges from printed circuit board (PCB) production and surface mount technology (SMT) topics and in practical orientation in technology analysis of real assembled PCB. Student in this analysis demonstrates ability to choose conforming technology procedure of components assembly and of PCB description incl. applied PCB surface treatments.
Requirements for completion of a course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every year.
Course curriculum
2. Organic base materials, properties. Base materials inorganic, comparison with organic. Requirements for base materials, latest trends and development in base materials area. MID.
3. Interconnection structures, types. Subtractive, semiaditive and aditive methods of production interconnecton structures. PCBś production - main orientation. Base steps in PCBś production. Technology procedure of single, double and multilayer PCB.
4. Interconnection structures with microvia, SBU methods. PCBś assembly - through hole technology (THT) and surface mount technology (SMT), mixed. Technology procedures. Latest trends in SMT.
5. Surface moun devices (SMDś), packages, properties, type of leads, IC packages, passive components, elektromechanical devices, BGA packages, construction.
6. "Chemistry in assembly" and correct application in process /solder paste, solder alloy, adhesive, conformal coating, packaging material/
7. Semi semester test (10 questions/9 minutes). Application techniques /screen printing, stencil printing, dispensing/. Stencils, screens - preparation. Basic for quality in printing, factors.
8. Optical inspection after printing (SPI). Placement of SMDś, pick and place machines, methods of centering components.
9. Soldering, solder joint, requirements for solder joint. Soldered joint vs. welded joint vs. joint realised with adhesive - comparison. Methods of soldering. Requirements for quality of placement and soldering acc. to IPC A 610 rev. D.
10. Solder joint reliability. Lead free vs. lead soldering. Thermal management of PCB. Temperature profile measurememts.
11. Wave soldering (mass), nitrogen atmosphere infuence. Manual soldering, principles, soldering tips maintenance. Reflow soldering, methods, forced convection and nitrogen atmosphere influence.
12. Testing of assembled and non-assembled PCBś. Quality control, methods. Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI). Statistical tools for quality testing and improvement.
13. Rework and repairs of PCBś. Contact and hot air/nitrogen method of deassembly and asembly components. Principles and techniques of repairs. Requirements for PCBś quality acc. to IPC and European standards.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Basic organic materials, electrical, mechanical and also heat properties. Basic inorganic materials and comparison with organic materials.
Principles of PCB design, form and size of soldering spots and conductive paths. Principles of design for wave soldering and soldering by remelting.
Principles of PCB design, design of non-soldering mask, design of soldering spots for BGA and CSP, examples of footprints for SMT
Mounting and interconnecting structures, kinds. Subtractive, semiadditive and additive methods of production of mounting and interconnecting structures. Major application trends in electrotechnics.
Technological procedures of production of single-layer, double-layer and multi-layer PCB. Microinterconnecting (microvia) structures, MID. Separate operations of production process.
Assembly, surface and combined mount of PCB. Technological procedures. New trends in SMT.
Chemistry in mounting process and its correct choice (soldering paste, soldering alloys, adhesives, fluxing agents conformal coatings, packaging materials)
Application technologies (screen process printing, stencil printing, dispension). Process of SMD population, populating automatic machines, principles, methods of component centering .
SMD, properties and execution, outlets of parts, packages for IO, passive parts, electromechanical elements, BGA packages, design.
Soldering, methods of soldering, soldered connection and reliability of soldered connection. Machine soldering by wave, influence of nitrogen protective atmosphere. Manual soldering, principles.
Reflow soldering, methods, forced convection and influence of nitrogen atmosphere. Measurement of temperature profiles. Testing of non-populated and populated DPS, quality checking, checking methods.
Repairs of DPS, contact and contactless methods of assembly/disassembly. Principles and technique of repairs. Requirements on DPS according to IPC and Czech standards, antistatic prevention.
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
Design system and technological outputs
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Production of single-layer and double-layer PCB on the line BUNGARD/PROTOCAD.
Soldering paste, adhesives, fluxing agents. Properties and distribution Technical and safety sheets, manipulation and storing, principles.
Screen process printing/template printing. Screens, templates, properties. Printing of soldering paste. Factors influencing quality of print, defects and their reasons.
Semiautomatic population of SMD, creating program. Dispension of adhesive. Population of SMD into soldering paste. Mounting procedures, discussion.
Reflow soldering with solder paste, measuring of temperature profiles and principles. Defects of soldered joints. Test of the solder paste for solder balling.
Repairs of assembly units by contact method/hot air. Assembly/disassembly of chips (0805, 1206), SOIC, QFP.
Requirements for population and soldering of SMD. Checking quality of assembly unit according to IPC-A-610B.