Course detail

Process Systems Engineering

FSI-DPIAcad. year: 2017/2018

The course introduces students to the systemic approach to the design and operation of large industrial units (processes) such as refineries, energy resources, distilleries, sugar, cement and chemical and food processing plants. The course clarifies interdisciplinary nature of process engineering, which connects individual narrow specializations.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

The course shows how in a wide range of industrial enterprises use and how they are connected knowledge of many subjects of general mechanical engineering studies. Students are familiar with how these specializations complement each other and what solution tools are used at different stages of the design and operation of industrial processes.
1. Orientation in technological schemes of process and power equipment.
2. Overview of measurement and control systems in industrial buildings and plants.
3. Presentation of the mathematical background and outputs the simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer, chemical reactions.
4. A short introduction to the conceptual planning and economic evaluation of projects - investment relationship - operating income and expenses - payback.
5. Unit operations as the basic building unit of process and manufacturing industries.
6. Heat exchange systems, their role and the most commonly used types of industrial heat exchangers.
7. Principles of technological and strength design of process and power equipment with regard to the economy of the design.
8. Gaining overview of the ways of equipment damaging equipment in the industry and achieving their maximum lifetime.


Subject links and continuating on knowledges gained in most subjects of previous bachelor's studies (e.g. Fundamentals of Design, Physics I, Mathematics I and II, Chemistry, Numerical Methods, Computer Science, etc.).


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is taught through lectures and seminars. The emphasis is placed on practical application and conections of knowledge gained in both theoretically and technically oriented subjects that are taught in undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Course-unit credit requirements:
Active participation in seminars.

Students are evaluated in two phases:
- Written tests. Upon receiving grade E or better from the test, a student proceeds to an oral exam.
- Oral exam: Students demonstrate their knowledge by proving to understand the subject, not by mere memorization (explanation of principles using presentations from lectures).

Course curriculum

1. Raw materials for chemical industry
2. The basic technological processes and equipments in chemical industry
3. Material and energy balance of technological processes
4. Factors affecting the behaviour of chemical reactions I
5. Factors affecting the behaviour of chemical reactions II
6. Manufacture of syngases and other important gases
7. Natural gas treatment
8. H2SO4 and HNO3 manufacture
9. Metals manufacture (metallurgy, electrolytic processes)
10.Crude oil and petrochemical industry, the plastics manufacture
11.Treatment of the communal a hazardous wastes
12.Waste water treatment
13.Constructive materials manufacture

Work placements

Not applicable.


The aim is to explain the interdisciplinary nature of process engineering, which connects individual narrow specializations. On the example of the incinerator or WtE (waste-to-energy) unit, which stands at the interface between the typical process plant (whose primary purpose is the production of a product from raw material - eg. gasoline from crude oil, fruit distilate from sour, etc.) and the typical energy plant (whose primary purpose is the energy production - e.g. power plant-generation of electricity, heating plant-thermal energy production), the student is gradually introduced to the solution concept generally valid for solving the problem of industrial plant at various levels - from conceptual design, comprehensive evaluation in terms of energy, environment and economy to solving unit operations by appropriate apparatuses or equipment from which the process comprises and structural details of individual equipment. Lessons learned and the way of thinking are applicable in many other specializations.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The course consists of lectures presented with a suitable means of presentation (ppt) and seminars. Students receive the coursework in electronic form.
Attendance at lectures is recommended. Attendance at seminars is compulsory and checked.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Green D.W., Southard M.Z.: Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook, 9th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2018 (EN)
Medek J.: Hydraulické pochody, 3. vydání, VUT - Vysoké učení technické, Brno, 2000 (CS)
Patrick D.R., Fardo S.W.: Industrial Process Control Systems, The Fairmont Press, Inc., 2009 (EN)
Seider W. D., Lewin D. R., Seader J. D., Widago S., Gani R., Ng K. M., Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis and Evaluation, Fourth Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 2017. (EN)
Versteeg H., Malalasekera W.: An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method, 2nd Ed., Pearson, 2007 (EN)

Recommended reading

Green D.W., Southard M.Z.: Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook, 9th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2018 (EN)
Medek, J.: Hydraulické pochody, 3. vydání, VUT - Vysoké učení technické, Brno, 2000. (CS)
Medek J.: Mechanické pochody, PC-DIR Real s.r.o., Brno, 1998 (CS)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme B3S-P Bachelor's

    branch B-EPP , 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction to the problematics of process system engineering - introductory overview lecture.
2. Conceptual planning in process industry.
3. Work with project documentation.
4. Data collection and control of processes
5. Optimization of processes in terms of energy production and economy.
6. Heat transfer system - the purpose, principles of its systematic design and selection of appropriate equipment.
7. Introduction into technological design and operation of individual equipment in heat transfer systems.
8. Strength design of process equipment.
9. Evaluation of operating damaging of process equipment.
10. Relations between modern methods of process simulation and computational modeling (CAD, FEM, CFD). Governing equations, methods and tools to solve them with examples.
11. Introduction to modeling fluid flow, heat transfer and reactions (CFD) with examples.
12. Significant unit operations in process industry I - unit operations in ​​hydraulic and mechanical processes.
13. Significant unit operations in process industry II - burners, emissions and flue gas cleaning.


13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Simple examples for re-enactment of basic regularities.
2. Examples related to the topic of the lecture no.2.
3. Examples related to the topic of the lecture no.3.
4. Examples related to the topic of the lecture no.4.
5. Examples related to the topic of the lecture no.5.
6. Examples related to the topic of the lecture no.6.
7. Examples related to the topic of the lecture no.7.
8. Examples related to the topic of the lecture no.8.
9. Examples related to the topic of the lecture no.9.
10. Examples related to the topic of the lecture no.10.
11. Examples related to the topic of the lecture no.11.
12. Examples related to the topic of the lecture no.12.
13. Examples related to the topic of the lecture no.13 and credit hour.