Course detail
Transport Organisation II
ÚSI-EDOD2Acad. year: 2018/2019
he course deepens the expertise gained from the study of the previous follow-up subject. The course includes theoretical and practical knowledge of road transport, mainly. Knowledge of legislative regulation necessary for the transport and management of transport companies. A general overview of international agreements used in transport (ADR, ATP, ....). Introduction to the international trade terms INCOTERMS 2000 and INCOTERMS 2010. The course also deals with economics and technology of road transport.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Ability of considering the means of traffic organisation leading to valid legal rules observance.
Ability of considering ecological impacts of single products of transport on environment and suggesting minimizing the risks.
Preparation for higher management of transportation companies.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Term paper and its defence.
Conditions of crediting: Participation in seminars, compliance of set tasks in the form of reports and term paper.
Course curriculum
2. Transport of dangerous subjects (conditions, kinds and coding of packaging, containers for transport, cleared out packages).
3. Sorting of dangerous subjects, packaging of dangerous subjects, marking of dangerous subjects, shipping documents, conditions.
4. The ADR Agreements, marking of transport unit, technical parameters and equipment of transport unit, driver’s duties during the transportation of dangerous cargo, check-lists, alternative transport of dangerous substances, transport of explosive substances and objects in separate classes, driver courses and courses for other persons, amendments of annexes to the ADR Agreement, etc.
5. Transport of perishables – duties of the carrier, responsibility for discharge of obligations, duties of the ATP Agreement Member States, usage of specialized means of transport, validity of the ATP Agreement, etc.
6. Transport of oversize load, route planning, systems of permission in CZ and EU, reimbursement methods of administrative fees, technical parameters and equipment of vehicles for this kind of transport, police escort.
7. Abidance of safety at vehicular traffic and driving – driving licences, MOT certificate, other documents.
8. Road controls, violation of legal rules, own controls, weighing of vehicles, act in violation of the ADR Agreement.
9. Experience from road controls (Police, Customs Authority, state surveillance, foreign road technical administrative supervising authorities), criminal findings, institution of administrative proceeding, sanctions.
10. Negotiation at the public authorities and courts, consequences of point and road fee systems.
11. Ecology – manipulation with fuel and oil, tyres, accumulators and disposal.
12. Impact of transport on environment – alternative sources of vehicle´s drive, decreasing undesirable emissions and noxious gases.
13. Duties of company owners at manipulation with industrial substances and their disposal. Sanctions resulting from violation of legal rules (safety and ecology in traffic) for company owners and drivers.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
- compulsory prerequisite
Transport Organisation I
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme EID_P Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory