Course detail
Business Economy
ÚSI-ESEKOAcad. year: 2018/2019
The course is aimed at the goals and functions of a company, its property and capital, assets and liabilties valuation, revenues and costs, profit and their mutual relations, cash flow and liquidity. The cource includes operational performance management, financial and investment activities, economic decision-making – calculations, managerial concept of costs, budgets, relations among profit, volume of production, price and costs and tools of economic management (financial accounting, analyses, internal audit). The course also provides student with knowledge of other corporate activities such as production, purchase, HR. After completing this course, students will be able to practically apply their knowledge gained during the course.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Credit is based on:
1) seminar assignment (max. 10 points)
2) elaboration of individual tasks (max. 10 points)
3) credit test (max. 20 points, min. 10 points)
Grading scale:
A 100 – 90
B 89 - 80
C 79 – 70
D 69 – 60
E 59 – 50
F 49 – 0
Course curriculum
- Introduction. Goals and functions of a company. Business plan. Company divison. Company surroundings.
- Balance sheet. Assets and capital. Working and net capital. Liquidity. Indebtedness. Optimal capital structure. Assets and liabilities valuation.
- Profit and loss statement. Revenues and costs, profit and their mutual relations.
- Operational performance management.
- Economic decision-making – total costs costing. Relations between profit, volume of production, price and costs.
- Managerial concept of costs (variable costing)
- Classification of costs and revenues.
- Short-term decision-making tasks. CVP analysis. Sensitivity analysis.
- Strategic cost management. Activity based costing – method ABC.
- Financial management of a company. Financial analysis. Management of working capital. Value-based management.
- Investment decision-making.
- Tools for economic management of a company (financial, managerial and cost accounting)
- Budgeting.
- Analyses. Internal audit.
Every seminar is focused on practical exercising of the corporate economics.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans