Course detail
Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics
FSI-OAMAcad. year: 2018/2019
Conservation laws, stream lines, equations of continuity and Bernoulli, speed measurement, aerodynamic forces. Boundary layers, origin of lift, airfoils, finite span wings, induced drag, high lif devices. Compressibility effects, area rule, supercritical airfoils. Continuous supersonic expansion, shock waves, aerodynamic heating at supersonic speeds.
Students will gain basic information and overview to flows around aircraft.
Flight mechanics is a follow up to the first part of the course. Students will be made familiar with the classical theory of the atmospheric aircraft performance. Performance in horizontal flight, performance at climbing and gliding, performance at turning flight are included. Further they will have a clear idea of range and endurance, take-off and landing operations, classical theory of the stability and control of aircraft, development of general equations of motion for an atmospheric aircraft, classical small perturbation equations of motion, aircraft state equations. The course offers for students the knowledge necessary for an dynamic stability modes estimation and their influence on aircraft handling, longitudinal and lateral-directional stability. Controllability and manoeuvrability. Trim.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Determination of the basic technical aircraft data in the classic aircraft performance and stability and control. Qualitative and quantitative appraisal of aircraft performance and stability and control regarding the design and optimal use of an aircraft.
The basics of thermomechanics, 1st and 2nd Laws.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
Work placements
The goal is to explain the basic flight mechanics of atmospheric aircraft. Familiarizing students with the method of assessment of classical theory of performance and a judgment of aerodynamic and propulsion characteristics efficiency on flight performance.Familiarizing students with the methods of calculation of the stability and aircraft control. Students will also learn to judge the influence of aircraft design parameters on its flying characteristics.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Daněk,V.: Mechanika letu I - Letové výkony, skripta VUT Brno, 1994
Etkin,B.,Reid,L.D.: Dynamics of Flight - Stability and Control, John Wiley and Sons,Inc.,New York, 1996
Prof. V. Brož: Aerodynamika NR
Prof. V. Brož: Aerodynamika VR
Ruijgrok,G.J.J.: Elements of Airplane Performance,Delft University Press,1990
Recommended reading
Daněk,V.: Mechanika letu I - Letové výkony, skripta VUT Brno, 1994
McCormick,B.W.: Aerodynamics,Aeronautics and Flight Mechanics,John Wiley and Sons,New York,1979
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Boundary layers, airfoils, polar curve, influence of Reynolds number.
3. Finite span wing, induced drag, high lift devices, spoilers, vortex generators.
4. Wing polar curve. Compress. effects in subsonic range of M No, recalc. of characteristics
5. Transonic range, area rule, supercritical airfoils.
6. Supersonic flows, continuous expansion, shock waves.
7. Supersonic shock-induced drag, aerodynamic heating.
8. Symmetric flights.Horizontal flight. Steady climbing and gliding flight. Gliding curve.
9. Turns. Limitations of turning flight. Cruise performance. Range. Endurance.
10. Take-off and landing performance. Performance requirements of JAR standards.
11. Longitudinal and lateral-directional static stability. Longitudinal static control. Trim.
12. Lateral-directional control of airplane. Flight with asymmetric thrust.
13. Longitudinal and lateral-directional dynamic stability. Short-period,phugoids. Dutch roll.
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Continuity equation, Bernoulli equation, speed measurement.
3. International Standard Atmosphere, measurement of pressure at body surface.
4. Airfoils, wing of finite span.
5. Subsonic flow around airfoils and wings.
6. Supersonic flow, supersonic continuous expansion, shock waves.
7. Thrust and power diagram calculation. Calculatipon of stall and maximum speeds.
8. Climbing diagram. Ceiling Calculation. Hodograph curve calculation.
9. Steady turning performance calculation. Turning diagrams calculation.
10.Airfield take-off performance. Take-off and landibg performance calculation.
11.Control-fixed neutral point and manoeuvre point of airplane calculation.
12.Control force gradient Fv=f(V) and control force per g calculation.