Course detail
Airport II
FSI-OLLAcad. year: 2018/2019
The course entitled Airport II is a follow up to the course Airport I and it extends the knowledge of legislative, operational and technical conditions of the airport traffic in Czech Republic. The course is based on Annex 14 and Annex 16 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
ICAO: Annex 14
Letecká informační služba: L 14 - Letiště
Letecká informační služba: L16 - Ochrana životního prostředí
Recommended reading
Aerodrome Planning Manual (Doc 9184), ICAO
Aerodrome Services Manual (Doc 9137), ICAO
Letecká informační služba : Letecká informační příručka ČR, , 0
Letecká informační služba : Letiště (národní předpis L 14), , 0
Letecká informační služba : Ochrana životního prostředí (národní předpis L 16/I a L16/II), , 0
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Aircraft engine exhalation. Aerodrome General.
3. Aircraft engine exhalation. Aerodrome General.
4. Aerodrome classification according to the landing approach technique.
5. Reference code.
6. Runway markings. Taxiway markings.
7. Aerodrome lights.
8. Approach lighting system.
9. Check-in system.
10. Check-in system.
11. Aerodrome data publication.
12. Airport data publishing.
13. Prospect for development of airports in the Czech Republic.
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Information on airports in AIP.
3. Information on airports in AIP.
4. Information on airports in AIP.
5. Information on airports in AIP.
6. Technical equipment and clearance process of Airport Ostrava Mosnov.
7. Technical equipment and clearance process of Airport Praque Ruzyne.
8. Excursion to Ostrava Mosnov .
9. Excursion to Airport Praque Ruzyne.
10. Final seminar – Airport II.
11. Final seminar – Airport II.
12. Final seminar – Airport II.
13. Final seminar – Airport II.