Course detail
Communication, Navigation, Surveillance
FSI-OZLAcad. year: 2018/2019
The course incorporates communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS) principles and CNS equipment/aids. Relevant themes include explanation of radio facility function (ADF, VOR, DME, ILS and MLS), principles of primary and secondary radiolocation, area navigation (RNAV), ground support navigation systems, long range navigation principles (OMEGA, LORAN, DECCA) and future CNS systems vision. Mutual dependence of CNS technologies versus ATM procedures is highlighted. FANS, FEATS, ECAC, EATCHIP etc. concepts are also mentioned. Modern communication projects (ATN, VDL, CIDIN). Global navigation satellite systems. Automatized ATC systems. Airborne anti-collision systems.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Missed lectures & exercises can be compensated in a very limited extend only by personal consultations with the lecturer or by a selfstudy under the lecturer´s personal supervision.
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
ICAO: Aeronautical Telecommunications, , 0
ICAO: Manual of the Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) Systems, , 0
ICAO: Manual on Testing of Radio Navigation Aids, , 0
JAA ATPL, 061 General Navigation, Theoretical Knowledge Manual, Oxford, 2006
JAA ATPL, 062 Radionavigation, Theoretical Knowledge Manual, Oxford, 2011
Kayton, M.; Fried,W.R.: Avionics Navigation Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 1997, second edition
KULČÁK a kol.: Učebnice pilota vrtulníku II, ISBN 978-80-7204-638-6, CERM s.r.o., Brno, 2009 (CS)
KULČÁK, L. a kol.: Zabezpečovacia letecká technika, Žilinská univerzita, 1999 (CS)
VOSECKÝ, S. a kol.: Základy leteckých navigačních zařízení I a II, učebnice Univerzity obrany, Brno 1988 (CS)
Vosecký, S.: Radionavigace, učební texty pro teoretickou přípravu dopravních pilotů dle předpisu JAR-FCL-1, CERM s.r.o., Brno, 2011 (CS)
Recommended reading
GROVES, P.D.: Principles of GNSS, Inertial, And Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems, ISBN - 13:978 - 1 - 58053 - 255 - 6, USA, BOSTON/LONDON ARTECH HOUSE 2008
Kulčák, L.:: Klasické prostriedky zabezpečovacej leteckej techniky, , učebný text, Žilina 2005
Skrypnik, O. N.: Radio Navigation Systems for Airports and Airways, Springer Airspace Technology, ISBN 978-981-13-7200-1, 2019
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Radio Direction Finders (ADF/NDB, VDF). VHF radio beacons (VOR, DVOR).
3. ILS.
4. MLS.
5. Radars - fundamental radar techniques (PSR; SSR). Airborne radars; ATS ground radars.
6. Distance-measuring system (DME). Airborne anti-collision systems (TCAS, ACAS).
7. Long-range navigation systems LORAN-C, DECCA, VERA).
8. Modern navigation systems - GPS, DGPS.
9. European ATS systems (active & passive systems).
10.Modern communication - voice, data (VDL, ATN, CIDIN, TDMA).
11.Future CNS/ATM systems concepts (FANS, FEATS,ECAC).
12.Automated ATC systems.
13.Reserve - excercises, consultations; credit test.
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Air communication - range, organisation.
3. Operational principles of VDF, ADF, VOR/DME.
4. ILS/MLS operational principles. Approach manoeuvers.
5. Airborne and ground radars - ranges, accuracy, frequencies).
6. PSR and SSR in use of air navigation radar systems.
7. DME and DME/DME operational principles.
8. Long-range navigation systems - operational principles, signals, accuracy).
9. GNSS - typical examples of the system exploitation.
10. FANF - general concept.
11. Air communication systems - frequency bands, communication protocols).
12. European ATM/CNS arrangement - expected terms, possibilities of deployment.
13. Modern ATC communication/surveillance systems (Thomson, LETVIS, GATRACS).