Course detail
Fundaments of Optics
FSI-TZOAcad. year: 2018/2019
In the course basic principles of geometrical and wave optics are presented. Particular attention is paid to applications, especially to design of optical systems.
Contents of the course: light as electromagnetic radiation; the basic phenomena of wave optics; light propagation in an isotropic medium; fundamental laws of geometrical optics; basic optical systems; optics of anisotorpic media; light sources.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Hecht, E.: Optics. Pearson, 2017.
Malý. P.: Optika. Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Karolinum. 2013
Recommended reading
Haferkorn, H. - Richter, W.: Synthese optischer systeme. Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag, 1984.
Klein, M.V.: Optics. New York: Wiley, 1970.
Liška, M.: Optické sešity. (Texty k přednáškám.) BRNO: VUT 2014/ 2015.
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
History of optics.
The wave equation derived from Maxwell's equations (for homogeneous isotropic medium).
Planar, cylindrical and spherical waves.
Harmonic waves. Complex notation of harmonic waves.
The intensity of light.
Helmholtz equation.
Polarization of light. Types of polarization: linear, elliptical, circular.
Matrix description of polarization. Stokes vector, Jones vector, Jones matrix.
The basic phenomena of wave optics
Interference of light. Young's experiment. Temporal and spatial coherence of light.
Michelson interferometer.
Diffraction of light. Huygens-Fresnel principle. Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. Examples of Fraunhofer diffraction: slit, grating, circular hole.
Fourier transform and its implementation using Fraunhofer diffraction. Abbe theory of optical imaging.
Light propagation in an isotropic environment
Laws of ray optics: reflection and refraction of light. Fresnel's formulas for reflection - total reflection, Brewster's angle.
Total internal reflection.
Applications: plane-parallel plate, prism, wedge prism, optical fibers.
Reflection from metal surfaces.
Fundamental laws of geometrical optics.
Index of refraction, dispersion of optical materials. Fermat's principle - law of refraction and reflection at the interface of two isotropic environments. Refraction on a spherical plane, passage of a ray through a system of spherical planes, cardinal points, principal planes, nodal points, definition of focal distance and magnification. Thick/thin lenses, imaging formula, lens system and its solution. Mirror imaging. Imaging of points at a common plane with tolerated unsharpness. Limitation of a ray packet in an optical system - fundamental characteristics of optical systems. Aberrations of optical systems, their classification and methods of their calculations, Herschel's and Abbe's conditions. Matrix optics.
Basic optical systems
Eye. Ametropia of the eye.
Lens. Microscopes.
Resolution (eye, microscope, telescope).
Collimator, autocollimator, examples of their use.
Optics of anisotropic media
Description of the anisotropic media. Light propagation in anisotropic media. Double refraction.
Light polarizers.
The transmission of the light true plane-parallel plate. Quarter-wave plate, half-wave plate. Polarizing beam splitter.
Artificially induced double refraction: with voltage in a solid, with the concentration of a solution, with electric field, with magnetic field.
Polarization devices.
Light sources
Thermal sources. Laws of the blackbody radiation.
Discharge tubes.
Electroluminescent light sources.
Teacher / Lecturer