Course detail
Laboratory of Electrical Machines and Apparatures
FEKT-MLSPAcad. year: 2018/2019
In this course, students learn about modern methods of measurement of various parameters on electrical machinery and equipment, both using classic instruments and Iza using modern measurement cards. They will learn the basics of creating measuring process using Labview. They will learn the current standards in the field of electrical machinery and apparatus and standardization of measurement. The course is determining measurement errors and their evaluation. Furthermore, zpracovnání quality technical reports of measurements.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- Basic measurements on electrical machines and devices
- Create a chart measuring tasks in the Labview environment
- Connected virtual environment Labiview role of the measuring card
- Measure and evaluate temperature on electrical machines and devices in accordance with applicable standards
- Measure and evaluate vibration to electrical machines and devices in accordance with applicable standards
- Process of measurement reports according to current standards
- Evaluate the measurement error and measurement instruments
- Use basic Activity of the imager and ryhlokameou
- Measurements on a current transformer and voltage
- Mastery of specific measuring devices
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Protocols of measurement - Part electrical devices 20 points
Test 1 - 5 points of electrical machines
Test 2 - Electrical apparatus 5 points
Credit - 10 points
Final exam 40 points
Course curriculum
- Introduction to LabVIEW
- The standards for measuring the electrical machines and devices
- Processing of measurement results, the theory of errors
- Temperature measurement
- Vibration diagnostics of electrical machines
- Measuring current transformer
- Measurement of voltage instrument transformer
- High speed camera
- Measurements with NI measurement cards 1
- Measurements with NI measurement cards 2
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Havelka O.:Elektrické přístroje,SNTL Praha 1985
Hruška, K. - Bradík, J.:Nejistoty stanovení jakosti a jejich vliv na ztráty, skriptum VUT Brno 1998.
Měřička, Zoubek:Elektrické stroje,SNTL Praha 1993
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Load characteristics of ring induction machine.
Single phase induction regulator testing
Synchronous machine reactance measurements
Induction machine running two phase, single phase motor characteristics
Special commutator machines
Asymetrical load of 3-phase transformer
Laboratory knowledge testing
Type and factory test of electric switchgears and switching devices
El. switchgear thermal image test
Voltage test
Switching time measurements of switching device
CT and PT tests, students final test