Course detail
Advanced Methods of Decission
FP-IpmrPAcad. year: 2018/2019
The content of the subject is to make students familiar with the methods of analyses and simulation techniques (fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, and genetic algorithms) by the way of explanation of the principles of these theories and their resulting applications in managerial practice.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
The exam will be classified according ECTS. The way of implementation is in the form of test with in the range 0-20 points. A-20-19;B18-17;C16-15;D14-13;E12-;F10-0.
Course curriculum
2. Artificial neural networks (ANN): To be familiar with the basic notions in the area of artificial neural networks, presentation of the notation perceptron, multilayer neural network and their parameters. The applications cover investment decision making, estimations of the price of products, real properties, evaluation of value of client, etc.
3. Genetic algorithms (GA): To be familiar with the principles of genetics, the analogy between nature and math description that enables the solution of decision making of problems. The use in the area of optimization of wide spectrum of problems is mentioned - the optimization of investment strategy, production control, cutting plans, curve fitting, the solution of traveling salesman, cluster analyses, etc.
4. Chaos theory: The theory deals with the possibilities of better description of economic phenomena than the classical methods do. The notion chaos, order and fractal are clarified, the use of this theory to determinate the level of chaos of measured and watched system is mentioned
5. Data mining: The notion data mining, the definition of aims, the selection of methods of simulation, sources and preparation of data, creation of models, their verification, evaluation, implementation and maintenance are mentioned there. The presentation of the cases of the use for strategy of cooperation with customer, direct mailing, etc
6. Simulation: The presentation of the notion system and its identification and simulation. The description of the use of FL, ANN and GA during the process of simulation of decision making processes in enterprise sphere.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
DOSTÁL, P. Pokročilé metody analýz a modelování v podnikatelství a veřejné správě, CERM, 2008, 430s, ISBN 978-80-7204-605-8. (CS)
DOSTÁL, P, RAIS, K., SOJKA, Z.: Pokročilé metody manažerského rozhodování, Praha Grada, 2005., ISBN 80-247-1338-1. (CS)
THE MATHWORKS. MATLAB – User’s Guide, The MathWorks, Inc., 2021. (EN)
Recommended reading
DAVIS,L. Handbook of Genetic Algorithms, Int. Thomson Com. Press, 1991, 385 s., ISBN 1-850-32825-0 (EN)
GATELY, E. Neural Network for Financial Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1996, 169 s., ISBN 0-471-11212-7 (EN)
JANÍČEK, P. Systémové pojetí vybraných oborů pro techniky, CERM, Brno, 2007, 1234 s., ISBN 978-80-7204-554-9. (CS)
PETERS, E. Fractal Market Analysis, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1994, 315 s., SBN 0-471-58524-6 (EN)
REBEIRO,R.R., ZIMMERMANN,H.J. Soft Computing in Fin. Engineering, Spring Verlag Comp.,1999,509s.,ISBN3-7908-1173-4. (EN)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Fuzzy logic - terory
3. Fuzzy logic + application – Excel
4. Fuzzy logic – application Matlab
5. Artificial neural network - teory
6. Artificial neural network + applications Matlab
7. Genetic algorithms - theory
8. Genetic algorithms + aplikace Matlab
9. Theory of chaos
10. Datamining
11. Time series, prediction, capital markets
12. Production control, risk management
13. Decision making
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Fuzzy logic – Excel + Assignment Ia
3. Fuzzy logic – Matlab I.
4. Fuzzy logic – Matlab II.
5. Fuzzy logic – Assignment Ib - Matlab
6. Fuzzy logic – Assignment IIa
7. Neural networks I.
8. Neural networks II.
9. Genetic algorithms I.
10. Genetic algorithms II.
11. Theory of chaos, Assignment IIb
12. Defence of Assignment
13. Credit