Course detail
Management of Information Networks
FP-IminsPAcad. year: 2018/2019
The course introduce students to instruments, methods and proceeding of communication networks analysis and management. Through communication network system decomposition students learn to define of network components and and to analyze its function. Objective of this course is to have knowledgesnts about network management and capability implementation proper methods for optimalization communication networks.
Edducation area:
a) Network components definition
b) Network information procesis analysing
c) Definition components as a information proces source
d) Project analysis device for critical procesis monitoring
e) louding sources analysis
f) System structure optimalization project
g) Company level network management
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Extended knowledge of computer networks (communication and protocols of link, network, presantation and application leyer).
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Conditions for passing an exam: Knowledge of taught topics and its practical application.
Form of examination: Combined – a written test possibly followed by an oral examination.
The final score is the weighted average of the following weights:
Essay rating - 30%
Oral exam - 70%
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
KRETCHMAR, J.M., DOSTÁLEK, L.: Administrace a diagnostika sítí, Computer Press 2005, ISBN: 80-251-0345-5. 216s. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Fhisical layer management tools
3. Link layer management tools
4. Network layer management tools
5. Transport layer management tools
6. Application layer management tools
7. User management tools
8. Network informational processes analyse
9. Allocation network components as a resources of informational processes
10. Concept analytic instruments for critical resources monitoring
11. Resources load analyse
12. Network infrastructure optimalization concept
13. Corporate netvork management
Teacher / Lecturer
3.-4. network services Installation, configuration and management
5.-6. Active Directory Installation, configuration and management
7.-8. User management, authentication, authorization, auditing
9.-10. Profiles and home directory management
11.-12. GroupPolicy management
13, Project presentation
E-learning texts
IMPSP 1.ppt 2.83 MB
IMPSP3.pptx 0.19 MB
IMPSP4.pptx 0.2 MB
IMPSP5.pptx 0.13 MB
IMPSP6new.pptx 0.37 MB
IMPSP 2 - new.ppt 0.95 MB
Počítačové sítě 9.ppt 1.18 MB
Zadání semestrální práce (a vzorové práce)
Semestrální práce.docx 0.01 MB
Vzorová práce 1.pdf 0.63 MB
Vzorová práce 2.pdf 0.73 MB
Videozáznam přednášek z předmětu
Záznamy přednášek.docx 0.01 MB
Návody do cvičení
Registrace.docx 0.23 MB
IminsP-CV1-2022.pdf 3 MB
IminsP-CV2-2022.pdf 2.69 MB
IminsP-CV3-2022.pdf 3.07 MB