Course detail
Dependability of the Vehicles and Machines
ÚSI-1EBPSAcad. year: 2018/2019
This course provides a comprehensive overview on fundamentals of dependability engineering in the area of mechanical and electrical engineering. Special attention is paid to vehicles and machines dependability. The course deals with both theoretical and practical applications of dependability engineering. The course mainly includes: non-repairable and repairable system dependability modelling, methods of reliability analysis, problems of vehicle maintainability and maintenance optimisation, dependability testing, evaluation of operational dependability and economic aspects of dependability assurance. Practical problem solving further solidifies the knowledge of these applications.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course-unit credits terms: Knowledge of principles and interdependence of presented problems and practical ability to apply individual methods and procedures. Basic conditions are participation at seminars and individual elaboration of assigned project without major mistakes.
Examination: Knowledge of theoretical basis of dependability and techniques for dependability assurance in the case of vehicles and machines is tested during the examination. Abilityofpracticalusageoftheoreticalknowledgeistestedatpracticaltasks. Examination consists of a written and oral part.
Course curriculum
2. Basic definitions and terms.
3. Basics of probability. Statistical tools for dependability.
4. Modelling of the dependability of items.
5. Modelling of the non-repairable systems dependability.
6. Modelling of the repairable systems dependability. Methods of dependability analysis I.
7. Methods of dependability analysis II.
8. Maintainability and maintenance support.
9. Basics of dependability testing. Shortened and accelerated dependability tests.
10. Compliance and determination dependability tests. Reliability growth testing.
11. Monitoring and evaluating dependability in operation.
12. Economic aspects of dependability assurance
13. Information systems and software for dependability.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Holub, R. – Vintr, Z. Spolehlivost letadlové techniky (elektronická učebnice). Brno: VUT v Brně, 2001. (CS)
Kececioglu, D. Reliability Engineering Handbook, Vol. 1 & 2. New York: Prentice Hall, 1991. (EN)
Recommended reading
Havlíček, J. aj. Provozní spolehlivost strojů. Praha: SZN, 1989. (CS)
Holub, R. Zkoušky spolehlivosti. Brno: VA Brno, 1992. (CS)
Mykiska, A. Bezpečnost a spolehlivost technických systémů. Praha: ČVUT, 2004. (CS)
Stodola, J. Provozní spolehlivost a diagnostika. Brno: VA Brno, 2002. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Fundamental definitions and terms.
3. Fundamentals of probability. Statistical tools for dependability.
4. Modelling dependability of items.
5. Modelling non-repairable systems dependability.
6. Modelling repairable systems dependability. Methods of dependability analysis I.
7. Methods of dependability analysis II.
8. Maintainability and maintenance support.
9. Technical diagnostics.
10. Theory of dependability testing. Accelerated dependability tests.
11. Compliance and determination dependability tests. Reliability growth testing.
12. Monitoring and evaluating dependability in operation.
13. Economic aspects of dependability assurance.
Teacher / Lecturer