Course detail
Materials for Biomedical Applications
FEKT-MPC-MBAAcad. year: 2020/2021
The course deals with materials including nanostructured ones and prepared by special technologies to be applied in biomedical praxis. Further, the action of biological environment on the corrosion and life time of materials used also the compatibility of implants in tissues will be addressed. Metrology of nanostructures such as microscopy, mass spectrometry of secondary ions and/or X-ray analysis will be explained. Recently invented electrochemical power sources designed for applications in medicine such as special diagnostic and therapeutic tools or pacemakers will be involved into a separate chapter. The chapter describing NMR for both diagnostic and analytical purposes will be also significant.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
• Qualified judging of the materials application in biomedical praxis
• Describe the diseases of heart and vessel system and to describe the strategy of their treating
• Describe the properties of macromolecular materials, ceramics and metals suitable for implants
• To have a general survey over recent situation of materials for contact and implanted eye lenses
• To possess fundamental knowledge of usage of electrochemical power sources for laboratory equipment, cardio stimulators /peace makers and defibrillators
• To be informed of the newest trends in preparation and application of bio nanomaterials in medicine, for example, for the treatment of carcinogenous diseases
• To be avare of the nuclear magnetic spectroscopu (NMR) and of the tissues compatibility in NMR diagnostics
•to be knowledgeable in fundamental concepts of medicine
•to possess fundamental surwey of biochemical processes in living bodies
•to be able to explain essentials of elecric circuits used in biomedicine
•to be able to safely handle chemicals according to a manual
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Written part of closing examen..............................................................60p
Presentation of assignet topic................................................................10p
Course curriculum
2. Corrosion and compatibility of materials in living organisms
3. Electrodes aas sensors for analysis of tissues
4. Chemical power sources for laboratory instrumentation and implanted
5. Materials for biological environment
6. Influence of ions and compounds of selected elements on composition
and properties of fluids from tissues
7. Fundamentals of NMR spectroscopy and tomography and basic
diagnostic methods
8. NMR compatibility of implantates in tissues, magnetic susceptibility of
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Sedlaříková,M. a kol. Materiály pro biomedicínu, elektronická skripta (CS)
Valečko,Z: Bioelektronika, BEN Technická literatura, Praha 2005 (CS)
VONDRÁK, J., SEDLAŘÍKOVÁ, M., REITER, J., NOVÁK, V., NEČESAL, P. Carbon and/ or graphite anodes for gel polymer batteries. In International Meeting on Lithium Batteries. Nara, Japonsko: The Electrochemical Society, Inc., 2004. s. 234 ( s.)ISBN: 1-56677-415- 2. (CS)
Vondrák, J., Sedlaříková,M.,Elektrochemická měření, elektronická verze (CS)
Žabka,M. a kol.:Moderní lékové formy ve farmaceutické technologii, Bratislava 2001 (CS)
Recommended reading
Liu,B. In vitro investigation of Fe30Mn6Si shape memory alloy as potential biodegradable metallic material, Material Letters 65 (2011) 540-543 (EN)
Pistoia, G.: Lithium Batteries, New Materials, Developments and Perspective, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterodam, 1994 (EN)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit