Course detail
Measurement in Electrical Engineering
FEKT-BPC-MVAAcad. year: 2019/2020
The course is focused on measuring electrical, magnetic, and non-electrical quantities. In the first part of the semester, students are introduced to the basics of metrology in order to be able to evaluate the accuracy of measuring methods and measuring instruments, both analogue and digital. In subsequent sections the principles, structure and characteristics of measuring instruments, sampling, A/D and D/A converters, oscilloscopes and counters are explained. Almost half of the semester is devoted to methods of measuring voltage, current, frequency, time interval, phase, power, resistance, capacitance, inductance and resonant frequency, magnetic quantities, and non-electrical quantities.
In laboratory exercises, students verify in practice the knowledge acquired in lectures: implementation of measuring methods, selection of appropriate measuring equipment, measurement proper, and accuracy evaluation via calculating the uncertainties.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- Evaluate the accuracy of the measuring method and instrument.
- Explain the construction and characteristics of standards of measuring el. quantities.
- Be knowledgeable about the choice of suitable measuring techniques and methods, realise measuring tasks and evaluate measurement accuracy.
- Operate basic types of measuring instruments, oscilloscopes and counters.
- Explain the principle of converters realising mathematical operations, A/D converters, and D/A converters.
- Explain the principle of analogue and digital measuring instruments, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.
- Be well informed in the choice of a suitable method for measuring active and passive electrical quantities, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.
- Be well informed in the choice of a suitable method for measuring magnetic and non-electrical quantities.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
- up to 20 points for the correctly prepared and in time submitted jobs
- up to 10 points for the absolved test measurement,
- up to 70 points for the exam.
The exam is focused on verifying the student’s orientation in the problematic of accuracy, construction, and characteristic of measuring instruments and methods.
Course curriculum
2. Evaluation of the accuracy of analogue and digital instruments.
3. Uncertainties of direct and indirect measuring methods.
4. Measuring amplifier, its characteristic and use in measuring technology, converters for the realization of mathematical operations.
5. Analogue measuring instruments.
6. Digital measuring instruments, sampling, A/D converters, characteristics.
7. D/A converters.
8. Oscilloscopes.
9. Basic methods for measuring voltage, current, frequency, time interval, phase, and resonance frequency.
10. Basic methods for measuring power.
11. Basic methods for measuring resistance, capacitance, and inductance.
12. Magnetic measurement.
13. Measurement of non-electrical quantities. Automated measurement.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
BARTUŠEK, K.; GESCHEIDTOVÁ, E.; REZ, J.; STEINBAUER, M. Měření v elektrotechnice - návody k laboratorním cvičením. Brno: Ing. Zdeněk Novotný, CSc., Ondráčkova 105, 628 00 Brno, 2006. s. 1-118. ISBN: 80-214-3265-9.
Měření pro teleinformatiku pro integrovanou výuku VUT a VŠB-TUO
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Analogue measurement mechanism.
Measurement of active electrical quantities, voltmeters.
Recorders and analogue scopes.
Digital scopes and spectral analyzers.
Time, frequency and phase measurement.
Current and power measurement.
Measurement of passive electrical quantities - resistance, capacitance, inductance.
Devices and circuit characteristic measurement.
Magnetic and other non-electric measurement.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Calibration of measurement instrument
Uncertainty of indirect measurement of DC power
Medium resistance measurement
Low resistance measurement
Impedance measurement
Voltage measurement of non-harmonic signals
Power measurement of non-harmonic signals
Automatized measurement of voltage amplifier
Measuring converters based on operational amplifier
Principles of sampling
Principles of DA and AD converters
Static hysteresis loop measurement
Shielding of alternating magnetic field
Operation with analogue and digital scope
Operation with counter
Measurement of inductor impedance by wattmeter
Frequency dependence of inductor impedance
Automatization of measurement