Course detail
Transient Phenomena
FEKT-LPRJAcad. year: 2019/2020
TMethods of mathematical modelling of transient calculation. Electro-magnetic transients. Determination of characteristic values of short-circuit currents in asymmetrical failures. The ground connection in indirectly grounding systems. Electro-mechanic transients. Static and dynamic stability of synchronous machine transfer simple.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Final Examination: max. 60 points.
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Trojánek Z., Hájek J., Kvasnica P.: Přechodné jevy v elektrizačních soustavách. Praha: SNTL/ALFA, 1987.
Recommended reading
Kvasnica P., Gabaj L.: Prechodné javy v elektrizačných sústavách - Príklady zo skratov. 2. vyd. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo STU, 1994. ISBN 80-227-0655-8.
Reiss L., Malý K., Pavlíček Z., Bízik J.: Teoretická elektroenergetika II. Bratislava: ALFA/SNTL, 1979.
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2) Solutions of M.M. electromagnetic transients phenomena. Equation of the time dependence of short circuit current and its components.
3) Solutions of M.M. electromechanical transients phenomena. The equation of motion of the rotor synchronous machine (SM) - swing curve. Power equation SM. Operation of power network equations. Simple transmission.
4) Diagram of power system and parameters of components for the resolution of transients. Solving asymmetric processes in the system of symmetrical impedance. Component diagrams of elements of power system. Local asymmetry and its effect on component diagrams.
5) Asymmetrical short-circuit faults. line-to-earth short circuit, line-to-line short circuit and two line-to-earth short circuit in power system. Spare-component diagrams.Phasors of component currents and phasors of short-circuit currents.
6) Comparison of the initial short-circuit current for each type of fault. Calculation of short circuit current contributions from various sources ("separation power plants").
7) Example calculation of asymmetrical short-circuit
8) Power system stability. Basic definitions. Selection of a basic circuit and define their own and transfer impedance. Infinite bus (IB). Determination of the terminal voltage at the beginning and end of a simple transfer.
9) Static stability of a simple transfer. Definition. Prerequisites of calculation. Linearization of the transition equation and the solution going by small swings. Finding stability conditions. Criteria for maintaining Static stability. Influences on stability.
10) Example calculation of static stability of power system
11) Dynamic stability of simply transfer. Definition. Prerequisites of calculation.Simple system dynamic stability - area method.
Simple system dynamic stability - gradual interval method. Numerical metod of Runge-Kutta.
12) Dynamic stability in the disconnection of parallel lines or transformers, fault occurrence, the successful and unsuccessful reclosure. Influences on stability.
13)Example calculation of dynamic stability of power system
Fundamentals seminar
Teacher / Lecturer
2) Characteristic values and solution time behaviour of the short circuit current. Current unit method.
3) Asymmetrical short circuit currents. Types of asymmetry to appear in short-circuit faults, and their solution by using symmetrical components.Phase short circuit.
4)Asymmetrical short circuit currents. Two-phase fault. Double-phase-to-earth fault
5) TEST no.1 - Short circuit
6) Static stability of simple transmission. Calculation of load angle; Maximum transmitted power; coefficient of power reserve; assessment of static stability in the system of generator - hard network with thinking of the power take-off.
7) Static stability. Construction of the external characteristics for constant terminal voltage of alternator. Influence of resistivity on assessment of the power system stability
8) Dynamic stability of simple transmission. Area rule application during shutdown lines and 3-phase short circuit.
9) Dynamic stability. Calculation of the swing curve.
10) Dynamic stability. The course of the dynamic transition phenomenon - method of successive intervals; method of Runge-Kutta
11) TEST no.2 - Static and dynamic stability
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
2) Dynamic stability - Assessment of dynamic stability of the simple power system in a program MODES - Ing. Karel Máslo, CSc. ČEPS