Course detail

Technology of polymer treatment

FCH-MCO_TZPAcad. year: 2020/2021

Basic therms and sorting of technologies of plastics and ruber industry. After general introduction to rheology of fluids (polymeric melts) follow separate precesses of polymer processing, namely injection moulding, extrusion, calandering, pressing, polymeric fiber production methods, etc.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Gain knowledge about technologies used for polymer processing. Basic terms and principes of each technologies of polymer processing. The ability to design the technologic sequences by joining of unit operation, to form a point of view of ordination of technological lines. Deduction of used technology, identification of defect of produced parts and its removal.


Physical chemistry
Macromolecular chemistry


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course uses teaching methods in form of Lecture - 2 teaching hours per week. The e-learning system (LMS Moodle) is available to teachers and students.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Oral exam
- two quetions according themes of lectures
- advisement in way of possible processing of real plastic part
- determination of production faults on some products and proposal of trouble shutting

Course curriculum

1. Basic therms and splitting of plastics - deformational behiour, terminology of polymers, thermomechanical curve, behaviour of plastic melts, additives its influence on processing. Rheology of plastic melts - basic mechanic of flux, rheology by processing, shear viscosity - temperature and pressure dependency, affect of MW and additives on viscosity, rheometry of polymers - extrude, planparalel and rotational plastometres, normal a shear stress by flux, normal viscosity and its phenomens. Weissenberg efect.
2. Haldling and prepare processing of polymer materials - basics of drying, milling, dissolving a dispergation, transport and storing of raw materials, colouring, preparing of blends - mixing and kneating, machines, mechanism of mixture formation, tabletation and pelletising, lines of preprocessing, grinding and processing of plasic scraps.
3. Injection moulding - machines, plastification and injection unit, clamping unit, engine and control.
4. Injection moulds - design of multiply, influx systems, disaerating, basic principe of removing, temperation of moulds, principes of design of products. Moulds - main parts, terminology by hole numbers, by construction, by overflux, removing of products out of moulds, heating, technology of moulding.
5. Technology of injection - cycle, relations in mould, influence of technological parameters. Processing of filled thermoplastics, structural foams, thermosetics, morecomponent injection, sandwiches, possible trouble.
6. Extrusion - function of screw, entering zone - friction output, middle and exit zone, time of residence, kneating output, types of screws, dies, dynamic od process, technology with extrusion Blow moulding - extrusion and injection way, blow with orientation.
7. Molding and fluxmolding - presses, ways of power affects, presses for laminates, floor presses for sheets, rotational presses.
8. Calendering - solid and viscous material between rolls, rates and pressure profile, dissapative output, temperature field, kneating on double calender, types of calenders a its use (construction of calenders), calender lines.
9. Cyclic processing ways. Thermoforming - ability of semifinished products, machines, technology, comparing to injection moulding.
10. Rotational moulding - materials, cycles, relations in mould.
11. Foaming - factors and processes - surface stress, dissolving, nucleation. Processing of fluid systems - dispersions - casting and coating. Reatiction moulding - low- and high pressure way, structural foams. Processing of fiber laminates - discontinual and continual. Spinning - principes, modification of fibres.
12. Fastening - mechanical joint, bonding and adhesives, prepating of surfaces, coating, formation on bond, types of adhesives, sheet backing. Welding - contact, by additional material, by high frequency, by ultrasound, frictionaly, by radiation. Surface finishing - painting and printing, patterning, glossing and metallising, preservation by powder plastics, velvet finishing.

Work placements

Not applicable.


The subject of the lecture-course is given to apprise the students with several types of polymer processing in the relation to basic material properties. The target of course is a realtion between
processing – structure of polymer for particular types of proceeding a ability to define material requirement for given technology on engineer principle.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Attendancy in lecture is recomended.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Kuta A.: Technologie a zařízení pro zpracování kaučuků a plastů, VŠCHT Praha, Praha 1999. (CS)
Štěpek J., Zelinger J.,Kuta A.: Technologie zpracování a vlastnosti plastů. SNTL Praha, Praha 1989. (CS)

Recommended reading

Ducháček V.: Polymery - výroba, vlastnosti, zpracování, použití. VŠCHT v Praze, Praha 2006. (CS)
Charrier J. - M.: Polymeric Materials and Processing. Hanser Publishers, New York 1990. (CS)
Tomis F.: Gumárenská a plastikářská technologie. Zpracovatelské procesy. VUT v Brně, Brno 1987. (CS)


Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme NKCP_CHM Master's

    branch NKCO_CHM , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

  • Programme NPCP_CHM Master's

    branch NPCO_CHM , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

  • Programme CKCP_CZV lifelong learning

    branch CKCO_CZV , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer

Guided consultation in combined form of studies

26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer
