Course detail

Analogue Electronic Circuits

FEKT-BPC-AEYAcad. year: 2020/2021

Basic circuits of modern analogue technology with the emphasis on the combination of intuitive and computer-aided analysis and design.
Linear, nonlinear and parametric circuits, spectrum modification.
Transistor- and OpAmp-based amplifiers.
Feedback and stability.
Frequency filters.
RC oscillators.
Nonlinear applications.
Selected analogue integrated circuits.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

The graduate is able to:
- explain what is the linear and nonlinear electric circuit
- specify the causes of linear and nonlinear distortion of signal passing through the circuit
- describe the basic properties of BJT's and MOSFET's and the way they affect the parameters of amplifiers
- describe basic linear and nonlinear characteristics of operational amplifiers
- draw schematics of basic amplifiers employing operational amplifiers and to explain their operation
- discuss advantages and drawbacks of modern active elements such as VFA, CFA, TIA, CCII, OTA
- explain possible strategies of the synthesis of higher-order frequency filters
- describe the features of common types of the approximations of amplitude frequency characteristics
- draw schematics of universal active biquads and to explain their purpose and operation
- explain the operation of basic feedback RC oscillators
- explain the purpose and circuit implementation of the hysteresis in integrated comparators
- describe a key idea of waveform generator via comparator and inertia filters
- explain the methods of the operation of modern voltage references


The student enrolling in this course would be able to:
- analyze simple linear resistive circuits via Ohm's law, KCL, KVL, and basic theorems
- utilize phasor method for computing of circuits in harmonic steady state
- solve DC states in simple nonlinear circuits containing diodes and transistors
- describe characteristics which define resistor, capacitor, and inductor
- explain general relationships between voltage and current for resistor, capacitor, and inductor


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Techning methods include lectures and mutually interlaced experimental forms, which consist of numerical exercises, computer laboratories and practical laboratories.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Up to 30 points for the activity during the semester.
Up to 70 points for exam.

Course curriculum

1. Introduction to analog circuits and their properties in time and frequency domains.
2. Amplifiers and feedback.
3. Transistor circuits.
4. Operational Amplifiers (OpAmps) of VFA type.
5. OpAmp linear applications.
6. OpAmp nonlinear applications.
7. Modern active ICs for analog signal processing and how to work with them.
8. Frequency filters.
9. Oscillators.
10. References.

Work placements

Not applicable.


The aim of this course is to make students familiar with the state-of-the-art of analogue signal processing by a suitable combination of theory, intuition, and computer simulation. The subject respects the co-existence of discrete components and permanently increasing amount of special integrated circuits.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The content and form of controlled classwork as well as the way of its execution are specified by a regulation issued and yearly updated by the guarantee of the course.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

BIOLEK, D. Analogové elektronické obvody. Hybridní studijní texty. Nesetrvačné obvody s operačními zesilovači. VUT Brno, 2019. (CS)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.


Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BPC-MET Bachelor's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


Linear, nelinear and parametric circuits, spectrum transformation
Rectifiers, smoothing filters
Passive stabilizers
Voltage and power amplifiers
Feedback and stability of amplifiers
LC and RC oscillators
Modulators and demodulators
Basic blocks of analogue integrated circuits
Operational amplifiers
Operational networks
Integrated stabilizers and lf power amplifiers
A/D and D/A converters

Fundamentals seminar

12 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


Opening lesson
Operating point and its motion - design of amplifiers containing BJT and MOSFETs
Verifying OpAmp basic features
OpAmp networks
Operational rectifiers
Astable Flip-Flops and signal generators

Exercise in computer lab

12 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


MicroCap simulation:

Opening lesson
Operating point and its motion
Verifying OpAmp basic features
OpAmp networks
Operational rectifiers
Astable Flip-Flops and signal generators

Laboratory exercise

12 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Opening lesson
Operating point and its motion
Verifying OpAmp basic features
OpAmp networks
Operational rectifiers
Astable Flip-Flops and signal generators
