Course detail
Analog Electronics 1
FEKT-BKC-AE1Acad. year: 2020/2021
Contents of the course are theoretical basics and principles of analog electronic circuits, an explanation of functioning of typical connections of particular types of the circuits, including methods of their analysis. Students will become familiar with classification and description of electronic circuits, circuits elements and functional blocks, with fundamentals of real circuits elements modelling, with stability and feedback theories and their practical applications. An emphasis is put on an explanation of the function and the application of basic kinds of the analog circuits, as are circuits with operational amplifiers, electrical filters, basic transistor stages and circuits, amplifiers, rectifiers and stabilizers, signal converters and oscillators. Students will exercise in the use of Matlab, SNAP and PSpice programs at the computer-aided analysis of analog circuits, and deepen practical skills at measuring their properties.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- classify electronic circuits and elements, and discuss their models,
- explain principles of basic electronic functional blocks,
- discuss basic knowledge of stability and feedback theories,
- analyze typical circuits with operational amplifiers,
- describe properties of transistor stages and analyze typical circuits with transistors,
- explain principles of electronic filters, and analyze their typical circuitries,
- classify amplifiers in terms of classes, frequency band and output power, describe their functioning,
- explain principles of rectifiers and stabilizers of voltage and current,
- explain principles of typical representatives of signal converters,
- explain principles of harmonic LC and RC oscillators, and analyze their typical circuitries,
- apply PC for the analysis of analog circuits in Matlab, SNAP and PSpice programs,
- apply proper measuring modes at testing properties of analog circuits.
- discuss basic principles and theorems valid for electrical circuits,
- solve linear and simple nonlinear resistive circuits,
- solve linear circuits in a harmonic steady state,
- discuss properties of passive linear circuits of the 1st and 2nd order – RC and RL networks, RLC resonant circuits,
- express transfer and immittance functions in complex and operational forms,
- specify types of semiconductor diodes and transistors and discuss their functioning,
- choose and use proper measuring instruments to measure parameters of an electronic circuit,
- use basic regimes of the PSpice simulator,
- form a simple program (function) in the Matlab language.
Work in the laboratory is conditioned by a valid qualification of a "trained worker" according to Notice 50/1978 Coll., which students must obtain before the start of teaching. Information on this qualification is given in the Dean's Directive Familiarization of students with safety regulations.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
2. Electronic circuit elements: two-poles, two-ports, basic functional blocks
3. Modelling of real circuit elements: approximation, diode, transistor, operational amplifier
4. Basics of stability theory, properties and utilization of feedback in electronics
5. Circuits with operational amplifiers: basic amplifiers and converters connections
6. Electrical filters: classification, passive filters of the 1st and 2nd order, active filters
7. Basic transistor stages and their properties: CE, CC and CB connections
8. Transistor circuits: Darlington, current sources and mirrors, differential amplifier
9. Amplifiers: classification, amplifier classes, wideband and tuned amplifiers
10. Power LF amplifiers: classification, A, B, AB and special classes amplifiers
11. Power supply circuits: stabilizers, rectifiers, voltage multipliers and converters
12. Signal converters: limiters, analog multipliers, frequency converters
13. Signal generators: oscillators principle, LC and RC oscillators, tuned oscillators
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
PEASE, R. A., Analog Circuits (World Class Designs). Burlington: Newnes, 2008. ISBN: 978-0750686273. (EN)
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme BKC-EKT Bachelor's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Electronic circuit elements: two-poles, two-ports, basic functional blocks
Modelling of real circuit elements: approximation, diode, transistor, operational amplifier
Basics of stability theory, properties and utilization of feedback in electronics
Circuits with operational amplifiers: basic amplifiers and converters connections
Electrical filters: classification, passive filters of the 1st and 2nd order, active filters
Basic transistor stages and their properties: CE, CC and CB connections
Transistor circuits: Darlington, current sources and mirrors, differential amplifier
Amplifiers: classification, amplifier classes, wideband and tuned amplifiers
Power LF amplifiers: classification, A, B, AB and special classes amplifiers
Power supply circuits: stabilizers, rectifiers, voltage multipliers and converters
Signal converters: limiters, analog multipliers, frequency converters
Signal generators: oscillators principle, LC and RC oscillators, tuned oscillators
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
Mathematical model of a circuit and its solution (MATLAB)
Symbolic and semi-symbolic analysis of circuits (SNAP)
Features of real operational amplifiers (PSpice)
Bipolar transistor (PSpice)
Simulation of selected analog circuits (SNAP, PSpice)
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
- amplifiers with VFOA
- other applications of VFOA
Current Feedback Operational Amplifier (CFOA)
Norton Amplifier Operating from Single Supply
Final test.