Course detail
Numerical Modeling 1
FEKT-MPA-NM1Acad. year: 2020/2021
The subject deals with current computer resources of CAE using SolidWorks FlowSimulation.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Not applicable.
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- Student will be apprised with the CAE principle- Computer engineer work support
- Student will obtain basic overview of SolidWorks system options
- Student will be able to do 3D mashing in FlowSimulation system
- Student will be able to do mathematical-physics analysis of engineering problems in choose areas using FlowSimulation
- Student will obtain basic overview of SolidWorks system options
- Student will be able to do 3D mashing in FlowSimulation system
- Student will be able to do mathematical-physics analysis of engineering problems in choose areas using FlowSimulation
The subject knowledge on the Bachelor´s degree level is requested.
Not applicable.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture are conducted by using PowerPoint presentation, short video - clips and films and discussion with students. Exercising are divided on computer and reckoning exercising. Students have to write a single project/assignment during the course.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
30 count - work over semester
70 count - test in last semester
70 count - test in last semester
Course curriculum
Outline of lectues
1) General introduction to CFD simulation and simulations in general
2) Introduction to FlowSimulation, options of the program
3) Finite volume method
4) Fluid flow
5) Turbulent model modeling
6) Heat field, heat transfer models
Outline od practices
1) Kárman vortex path – 2D transient task and animation
2) Heat analysis of the transistor and the definition of new material and parametric studies
3) Iron warming, electric and heat field- combined task
4) Hybrid integrated circuit- heat analysis
5) Computer components cooling – fen using
6) HVAC module in practice 1- ventilation in the hospital room
7) Chips cooling using active components
8) HVAC module in practice 2 – halogen fluorescent lamp analysis
9) Time analysis of the cooling of the underfloor heating
10) Interconnection of SolidWorks geometry and Ansys Workbench for analysis of the coil with core electromagnetic field
11) Work on self-projects
12) Work on self-projects
13) Consultation and project presentations
1) General introduction to CFD simulation and simulations in general
2) Introduction to FlowSimulation, options of the program
3) Finite volume method
4) Fluid flow
5) Turbulent model modeling
6) Heat field, heat transfer models
Outline od practices
1) Kárman vortex path – 2D transient task and animation
2) Heat analysis of the transistor and the definition of new material and parametric studies
3) Iron warming, electric and heat field- combined task
4) Hybrid integrated circuit- heat analysis
5) Computer components cooling – fen using
6) HVAC module in practice 1- ventilation in the hospital room
7) Chips cooling using active components
8) HVAC module in practice 2 – halogen fluorescent lamp analysis
9) Time analysis of the cooling of the underfloor heating
10) Interconnection of SolidWorks geometry and Ansys Workbench for analysis of the coil with core electromagnetic field
11) Work on self-projects
12) Work on self-projects
13) Consultation and project presentations
Work placements
Not applicable.
The existing problem with the implementation of CAD/CAM/CAE was usually focusing just for solving of one concrete problem and the customer, which needed to speed up TPV, chooses based on this CAD system, which made it possible. The system must support the partial task, but the real benefit (the financial as well) is possible just with the deploying of the complex solution, which uniting each island to the logic whole. The new method is about to deploying the electronic product definition (EPD). Classic CAD system become the subset of EPD. The EPD system permit the logically connection of each applications. More and more companies still show interest in EPD. The student will be apprised with the SolidWorks system, FlowSimulation for engineering analysis of CAE (Computed Aided Engineering).
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every academic year.
Recommended optional programme components
Not applicable.
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable.
Basic literature
Vyroubal, P.; Maxa, J. Trojrozměrné modelování a simulace. FEKT VUT Brno. (CS)
Vyroubal, P.; Maxa, J. Trojrozměrné modelování a simulace. FEKT VUT Brno. (CS)
Vyroubal, P.; Maxa, J. Trojrozměrné modelování a simulace. FEKT VUT Brno. (CS)
Vyroubal, P.; Maxa, J. Trojrozměrné modelování a simulace. FEKT VUT Brno. (CS)
Vyroubal, P.; Maxa, J. Trojrozměrné modelování a simulace. FEKT VUT Brno. (CS)
Recommended reading
Not applicable.
Classification of course in study plans